
A simple function that mimicks the real printf function with standard format specifiers.

Primary LanguageC


A simple function that mimicks the real printf with standard format specifiers - %cspdiuxX using variadic arguments in C

Function prototype is as follows (same as libc printf):

int ft_printf(const char *, ...);

A small description of the supported format specifiers:

    "%c" // print a single character.
    "%s" // a string of characters
    "%p" // The void * pointer argument is printed in hexadecimal.
    "%d" // print a decimal (base 10) number.
    "%i" // print an integer in base 10.
    "%u" // print an unsigned decimal (base 10) number.
    "%x" // print a number in hexadecimal (base 16), with lowercase.
    "%X" // print a number in hexadecimal (base 16), with uppercase.
    "%%" // print a percent sign

Note: I did not implement buffer managament in this version :D