
A static site generator

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Get it from the Snap Store


You can pick the latest release archive from the GitHub Releases.


To download the latest snap release you can use the following commands:

sudo snap install rustic-raven --edge

In this case the executable will be named differently than with other installation options (rustic-raven.raven).

Building the snap yourself

In some cases, you may want to build the snap yourself. To do this, you'll need to have snapd installed and have installed the following snaps:

git clone https://github.com/El-Wumbus/RusticRaven
cd RusticRaven

snapcraft # Build the snap
sudo snap install --dangerous rustic-raven_*.snap # Install the snap


PKGBUILD (Arch Linux and its derivatives)

curl -LO https://github.com/El-Wumbus/RusticRaven/raw/master/PKGBUILD
makepkg -si

Cargo (Everyone)

git clone https://github.com/El-Wumbus/RusticRaven
cd RusticRaven
cargo build --release
sudo install -dvm755 target/release/raven /usr/local/bin/raven


The usage information of the project can be obtained with the --help option.


    raven <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    build    Build static HTML from an existing project
    clean    Clean the dest dir of generated files and directories
    help     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init     Initialize a new project
    new      Create a new directory and initalize it

To get the usage information of a subcommand, do something like the following: raven help <subcommand> or raven <subcommand> --help.

Setting up a project

To create a new project, use the new or init subcommands.

$ raven new foo --dest docs
Created: "raven.toml"
Created: "src"
Created: "docs"
Created: "syntaxes"
Created: "syntax-themes"
Created: "template.html"
Created: "style.css"
Created: "src/index.md"

foo now contains all the above listed files. This is the default project and is fully buildable. To do so, use build. You can build by cding into the new directory or by passing in the new directory (raven build foo).

# foo/
$ raven build
[00:00:00] [########################################] 1/1 (100%) Done                                                                                             

Now, in the foo/docs directory is the index.html file. Preview it in a web browser. By default the html is minified.

Configuration 📄

A configuration may look similar to below:

source = "src"
dest = "dest"
syntaxes = "syntaxes"
syntax_theme = "base16-eighties.dark"
custom_syntax_themes = "syntax-themes"

favicon = "favicon.ico"
stylesheet = "style.css"
template = "template.html"

site_name = "Rustic Raven"
authors = []

append_site_name_to_title = true

process = { minify = true }
treat_source_as_template = true
Field Type Description Required?
source Path (String) Where Markdown source files are stored Yes
dest Path (String) Where generated HTML files are stored Yes
syntaxes Path (String) Where additional syntax highliting files are stored Yes
custom_syntax_themes Path (String) Where custom syntax highlighting themes are stored Yes
syntax_theme String The syntax highlighting theme to use Yes
default Table Default values that can be overridden in indviviual files Yes
default.favicon Path (String) The defualt favicon used for files that don't supply one Yes
default.stylesheet Path (String) The default CSS stylesheet used for files that don't specify one Yes
default.template Path (String) The default HTML template used for files that don't specify one Yes
default.meta Table The default metadata for a page (if the page doesn't supply it) No
default.meta.site_name String The default name of the website Yes
default.meta.authors Array[String] The default author(s) of a page Yes
meta Table Settings releated to Metadata insertion into HTML No
meta.append_site_name_to_title Boolean OR String Append the site name to a page's given title No
generation Table Settings related to HTML generation No
generation.process Table Settings related to proccessing generated HTML No
generation.process.minify Boolean Wether generated HTML should be processed (minimized, etc.) Yes
generation.treat_source_as_template Boolean Wether to allow usage of templating in HTML files in the source directory No

The defualt syntax themes are as follows:

  • base16-ocean.dark
  • base16-eighties.dark
  • base16-mocha.dark
  • base16-ocean.light
  • InspiredGitHub
  • Solarized (dark)
  • Solarized (light)

To add a custom syntax theme, add a sublime-syntax file (e.g. TOML.sublime-syntax) into the syntaxes directory. This file describes what to use in the code block language names(what comes after the ```).


The possible values per type:

  • Boolean
    • true: Append and use the default separation
    • false: Do not append
  • String: Append and use the supplied separation

Example (Assume: PageTitle = "Hello", SiteName = "CoolSite"):

append_site_name_to_title = true

Would result in a page title: Hello — Coolsite

Example2 (Assume: PageTitle = "Hello", SiteName = "CoolSite"):

append_site_name_to_title = " | "

Would result in a page title: Hello | Coolsite

Page Info

In each markdown file a code block with the language specifier pageinfo is required, it should look similar to below. It is parsed as TOML and is not included in the final HTML document.

title = "Hello, World"
description = "Greet the world"

# optional
style = "style.css"
template = "template.html"
favicon = favicon.ico

site_name = "Rustic Raven"
authors = []
Field Type Description Required?
title String The title of the page Yes
description String The description of the page Yes
style Path (String) The CSS stylesheet to use, this overrides the default No
template Path (String) The HTML template to use, this overrides the default No
favicon Path (String) The favicon image to use for the page No
meta Table The metadata for the page No
meta.site_name String The name of the website Yes
meta.authors Array[String] The author(s) of the page Yes

The favicon and stylesheet are embeded into the HTML document. The favicon is encoded in base64 and stored using a data url in the generated HTML, it is not copied to the destination directory. The paths for all the fields are relative to the raven.toml at the root of the project.


File handling

  • Markdown files (.md or .markdown) in the configured source directory will be parsed and generated into HTML files in the configured destination directory.
  • HTML files (.html or .htm) in the configured source directory will be copied to the configured destination deirectory (after, if enabled, processing).
  • CSS files (.css) in the configured source directory will be copied to the configured destination directory.
  • Everything else in the configured source directory gets ignored.