
Print a number or ASCII char in various formats. 🤷

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Print a number or ASCII char in various formats. 🤷

How to install

Compile Manually 😎

For the installation a rust compiler (and cargo) is required.

git clone https://github.com/El-Wumbus/num.rs.git
cd num.rs
cargo build --release
install -D -m 751 ./target/release/num ~/.local/bin/num

You can install the program to any directory in your $PATH with any permissions you desire.

You may, instead, want to install with cargo

git clone https://github.com/El-Wumbus/num.rs.git
cd num.rs
cargo install --path .


$ num -help
num.rs 0.1.1

    num [value]...

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <value>...    The value, can be hex (0x41), octal (0o101), decimal (65), an ASCII char (A), or a binary number


$ num A 66 0o102 0x43 0b1000100
| ASCII | Decimal | Octal | Hex  | binary    |
| A     | 65      | 0101  | 0x41 | 0b1000001 |
| B     | 66      | 0102  | 0x42 | 0b1000010 |
| B     | 66      | 0102  | 0x42 | 0b1000010 |
| C     | 67      | 0103  | 0x43 | 0b1000011 |
| D     | 68      | 0104  | 0x44 | 0b1000100 |


  • Check the issues (if there are any), it's a good place to start when you don't know what to do.
  • Fork the repository and create pull requests to this repository.
  • Don’t change the formatting - Dont reformat or otherwise change the formatting of source code or documentation in the repo. Use the same formatting as the rest of the codebase. Format with rustfmt using the rustfmt.toml configuration file.
  • Make documentation - If adding features or otherwise changing the user experience create documentation regarding the added or changed features.
  • Use space only indentation in all source code files - Do not use tabs or any form of indentation other than spaces. Use 2 space indentation.