Skillshare downloader

Install/Build Dependencies: pip
Dependencies: *python3


  1. Clone the git repo and enter the directory.
git clone
cd ./skillshare-dl/src
  1. Go to

  2. After logging in, enter the javascript console using F12 and picking the console tab.

  3. Type document.cookie and copy the output.

If the output is wrapped in quotes, omit them.

  1. run, or load-cookies.ps1 for windows users. The script will ask for the cookies interactively; just run it and paste the cookies into the prompt and click enter.

  2. install dependencies with pip,

pip install -r ./requirements.txt


python3 ./ -u <url> #for URL
python3 ./ -i <course ID> # for ID

The output of the folowing will be in a ./data/ directory

Adding to path/making it a command

*The Following is only for users of unix-like operating systems.

Directory: skillshare-dl/src

sudo mkdir /opt/skillshare-dl
mkdir ./data
mkdir $HOME/skillshare-out
cp ./* /opt/skillshare-dl
ln -s /opt/sillshare-dl/ /usr/bin/skillshare-dl
ln -s $(pwd)/data/ $HOME/skillshare-dl

The above method of "installing" this tool ins't a great one. If you'd like to improve it you can do so and make a pull request. I'd do it myself but i don't care enough to.