
This project has been completely rewritten and is available here: https://github.com/ae-creator/CosmosJS/tree/main

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project has been completely rewritten and is available here


Ensure that all project dependencies are installed using:

bun install
bun dev

Environment Variables

Copy the provided template for environment variables:

cp .env.template .env

Update the .env file with your specific configuration.

Ensure to update the Dockerfile to include your new variables.

Variable Validation

When introducing new environment variables, validate them in src/config/config.ts using the Zod library:

const schema = z.object({
  CUSTOM_VARIABLE: withDevDefault(z.string(), "Default value"),

This step ensures that all variables adhere to a defined schema, enhancing the reliability of your application.


This project utilizes Inversify, an inversion of control container for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript.


There are several ways to inject classes, in the application we use service identifier binding and name binding.

Identifier binding

We use service identifier binding when we need to inject a class that will remain unique within its business context.

// utils/container.ts
const container = new Container()

// src/index.ts
const appLogger = iocContainer.get<AppLogger>(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.Logger);

// controllers/user/index.ts
// Updated file for example
export class UserController implements IController {
  public constructor(
    @inject(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.Logger) private logger: Logger,
  ) { }

For more information about name identifier, please refer to the Wiki

Named binding

We use named binding when there are multiple classes within a context. In the application, we group all controllers under the "controller" identifier (service-identifier.ts), and then they are identified by their names within the service (service-name.ts). You'll need to add an entry in the constant SERVICE_NAME for this.

// utils/container.ts
const container = new Container():

// src/index.ts
const controllerRoot = iocContainer.getNamed<ControllerRoot>(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.Controller, SERVICE_NAME.controllers.root);

// controllers/index.ts
export class ControllerRoot implements IController {
  public constructor(
    @inject(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.Controller) @named(SERVICE_NAME.controllers.posts) private postsController: PostsController,
    @inject(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.Controller) @named(SERVICE_NAME.controllers.user) private userController: UserController,
  ) { }

For more information about name binding, please refer to the Wiki:

You can find all the information about Inversify Wiki.


Effortlessly add routes using the @Controller decorator. In the parameters, define the configuration of your route, and in the function, simply provide the return of your route.

Note: Due to the design of the @Controller, it is essential to call your property App: server for the decorator to function correctly. This allows the decorator to resolve it and create your routes.

public constructor(
    @inject(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.App) private readonly server: App,
  ) { }

Note: Currently, the types of your functions should be set to any or unknown because the server we are using, Zod OpenAPI Hono, does not export its types. This prevents us from typing our returns, and work is underway to address this.

For additional insights, please refer to the project link provided: Zod OpenApi Hono

// Custom example
export class GroupsController implements IController {
  public constructor(
    @inject(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.App) private readonly server: App,
  ) { }

    method: 'post',
    path: `${defaultPath}/{id}`,
    request: {},
    responses: {},
  private async create(ctx?: hono.Context): Promise<any> {
    // If the context is not defined will throw an error in the console using appLogger
    if (ctx) {
      const body = await ctx.req.raw.json();
      // Represent the return of the route
      return ctx.json({
        age: 20,
        name: `body: ${body}, Coucou je veux justye faire un test`,


This project utilizes Prisma, an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool, to interact with the database.

Running prisma :

At the moment Prisma needs Node.js to be installed to run certain generation code. Make sure Node.js is installed in the environment where you're running bunx prisma commands.

bunx prisma

There is a class in the application (AppOrm) that allows retrieving a Prisma instance within the application as follows:

    @inject(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.Orm) private orm: AppOrm,
) { }

For more details, refer to the Prisma Documentation.


This project has adopted Bun Test for running tests. To run your tests, use the following command:

bun test

Writing Tests

Create your test files and place them in the directory named src/__tests__ with a .spec.ts extension.

// Example from file logger/index.test.ts
// ! Should be set in every tests files
import 'reflect-metadata';
import { SERVICE_IDENTIFIER } from "@config/ioc/service-identifier";
import { expect, describe, it, beforeAll } from "bun:test";
import { Container } from "inversify";
import { AppLogger } from ".";
import { bindContainer } from "@config/utils/container";

describe("AppLogger", () => {
  const container = new Container();

  // ! Should be set in every tests files
  beforeAll(() => {

  it("Should initialize pino", () => {
    const appLogger = container.get<AppLogger>(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.Logger);
    // Checking type

For more information on Bun Test and its features, refer to the Bun Test Documentation.

Error Handling

In the index.ts file, there is a custom error handling.

// Error Handling
app.onError((err, c) => {
  return c.text(ReasonPhrases.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, StatusCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);


To set up Sentry, we use Hono Sentry.
To configure Sentry, ensure to enhance your environment by updating the SENTRY_DSN with your specific DSN.

Where is my DSN

// From file: index.ts
// Setup sentry
const sentryPrivate = config.get<string>('SENTRY_DSN');
app.use('*', sentry({
  dsn: sentryPrivate,
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,

Build and Run

Using bun bundler

To build your project with Bun bundler, use the following command. This will create a dist folder containing the bundled files.

bun run build

Updating the Build

If you need to update the build configuration, you can modify the scripts/build.js file. Refer to the Bun Build Documentation for guidance on customizing the build process.

Using docker

Build the Docker image and run the application with the following commands:

docker build --pull -t aecreator-bun .
docker run -d -p <host-port>:3000 aecreator-bun  --PORT=3000 ...

Don't forget to include each environment variable.

Other libraries used