#Instant Messaging Client The next project was suggested by the Network 1 course, from the Systems Engineering degree of the Mariano Gálvez University of Guatemala. On the course, was required the use of an existing protocol, to generate instant messaging to establish a person-to-person communication and Management of the account and groups. It is required to perform the following features:
• Account Manager:
o Register a new account on the server
o Sign in with an account
o Sign out with an account
o Delete the server account
• Communication:
o Show all users/contacts and their status
o Add a user to contacts
o Show a user's contact details
o 1 to 1 communication with any user/contact
o Define presence message
#Instant Messaging Client This project was decided to perform in Java environment, so our main tool was used Netbeans IDE 8.2. As main libraries:
• Smack 3.1.0
• JDK 1.8
#How To Used The project is being developed in NetBeans 8.2, but it is compatible with others IDE's so if you need to deployment it in your environment, you only need a follow this steps. we have two forms to deployment. One, only on NetBeans. two, Generating one .jar and executing this .jar. (There are other methods but they are based on the creation of executables)
In the first method you only need, to copy the URL of this Github, https://github.com/ElHojita/privative-protocol-chat/ and go to netbeans, then you should look for the tab Team and search the tab Git, in this tab you have the option pull, search about this pull because have many configuration if you don't know about configuration search about.
You can also download directly from the button on the main git You can also download directly from the button on the main git screen https://github.com/ElHojita/privative-protocol-chat/ in this way you only need open this project.
Now if you're more curious, and want to try generating the executable .jar, you just have to go to project options and then in packaging you must enable the function to compress .jar file, After this, you should open a cmd window and navigate to the directory of the project and search the directory Project/dist/ then you need a execute the follow command java -jar Projectname.jar.
In both ways you need to add the smack and smackx jar to the libraries.
.............................................................................More Details and Documentation below............................................................................
#Smack3.1.0 Extensions Smack is an Open Source XMPP(Jabber) client libraryfor instant messaging and presence. A pure Java library can be integrated into your applications to create anything from a full XMPP client to simple XMPP integrations, such as sending notification messages.
#Smackx jivesoftware group (version 3.1.0) Smack is an Open Source XMPP(Jabber) client libraryfor instant messaging and presence. A pure Java library can be integrated into your applications to create anything from a full XMPP client to simple XMPP integrations, such as sending notification messages.
#What are communication protocols? Communication protocols in telecommunications and computing are defined as a system of rules through which two or more entities that are part of a communication system are allowed to communicate with each other, to transmit information through any kind of variation by a physical magnitude.
#What are communication protocols for? To allow data to be shared on a network, prior communication is required, and that communication is governed by the communication protocols, which, according to their compliance, will allow communication.
#XMPP protocol Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol,better known as XMPP (previously called Jabber),is an open protocoland XML-based extensible, originally designed for instant messaging. It is also used in a wide range of voice and video messaging applications.
#What does it allow us to do? We can create a network of servers that are completely independent and decentralized. When we connect by XMPP we can establish communications with user accounts registered on other servers, being our account on the server we want, as our own. XMPP is an open protocol that was created for use in instant messaging systems originally, is XML-based. It was originally known as Jabber, and the project was started in 1998 by Jeremie Miller. Currently XMPP and its multiple extensions support instant messaging, video conferencing, view of users' online status, and file transfer through clients.