Tasks for a college course titled Nekonvenční Algoritmy a Výpočty (Unconventional Algorithms and Computation)

Primary LanguagePython

Unconventional Algorithms and Computation

Tasks for a college course titled Nekonvenční Algoritmy a Výpočty (Unconventional Algorithms and Computation).

The subject encompassed basics of neural networks, how a perceptron works, reinforcement-learning techniques and lastly generating 2D or 3D images using fractal geometry.

Task list:

  1. Perceptron (sorts points above/under the line)
  2. XOR function using 3 perceptrons
  3. Hopfield network
  4. Q learning (reinforcement learning) - Find the cheese
  5. L-systems
  6. IFS (Iterated function system) fractals
  7. TEA (Time escape algorithm) - Mandelbrot set zoom
  8. 2D Landscape generator

Usage and requirements

Python 3.7 or newer, Matplotlib, Tkinter, Turtle (for some tasks)


Hopfield network Serpinski triangle Mandelbrot set 2D landscape