
Vim code folding for Matlab files

Primary LanguageVim Script


Code folding for the Vim editor for Matlab .m syntax files. Facilitates folding of any indented block of matlab code or editor cells beginning with %%.

Folds are based off of the indentation structure in the code, in a manner which respects the end keyword and line continuations ending in .... Accordingly, you must indent the body of a function block in order for it to be foldable. Any code block is foldable if the contents are indented, including function, if, else, for, while, try, properties, methods, etc.


First, I highly recommend installing the Matlab syntax and indent files authored by Fabrice Guy available here. These files will facilitate proper indentation of Matlab files which this script relies upon to do code folding.

Install to ~/.vim/ftplugin/matlab_fold.vim. Or, copy and paste:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/ftplugin \
curl -so ~/.vim/ftplugin/matlab_fold.vim \

If you're using Pathogen, install to ~/.vim/bundle/vim-matlab-fold/ftplugin/matlab_fold.vim.

Or, copy and paste:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle/vim-matlab-fold/ftplugin \
curl -so ~/.vim/bundle/vim-matlab-fold/ftplugin/matlab_fold.vim \

Or, you can clone the git repository into a pathogen bundle:

git clone git://github.com/djoshea/vim-matlab-fold.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-matlab-fold


Editing a class definition file:

vim-matlab-fold Screenshot


Copyright (c) Dan O'Shea. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.