
Command line interface mendelian crossing algorithimc tool built with Perl.

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


Command line interface mendelian crossing algorithimc tool built with Perl. It draws punett sqaure for three types of inheritence patterns: Monohybrid, dihybrid and trihybrid crossing.

Stage 1: Command-line tool for Mono,di and trihybrid punnett square inheritance patterns.
Stage 2: Generalized binary tree algorithm for computing (N) numbers of genes. (i.e AABBCCDDEEXXYY)
Stage 3: Web GUI app for the tool. (using PerlDancer)

Note: the CLI uses non-core perl module Text::Table, so make sure to download it first with the command `cpan Text::Table` if your find it hard due to permessions, open the CPAN shell in with sudo `sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell` then type `install Text::Table`.