
Integer chaos game representation encoder/decoder in python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ICGR Encoder/Decoder

Integer chaos game representation encoder/decoder in python.

Based on: Encoding DNA sequences by integer chaos game representation by Changchuan Yin.


The script contains three main arguments.

  1. -e / --encode (For encoding fasta sequence to icgr file)

` -e 'fasta file path' # or --encode 'fasta file path' `

  1. -d / --decode (For decoding icgr data to fasta file)

` -d 'icgr file path' # or --decode 'icgr file path' `

  1. -q / --quiet (Anti-verbose mode will not print validity checks)

For example, to encode the fasta file with accession number: M57671.1 found in the test folder.

` python icgr.py -e test/seq.fasta ` and with quiet mode:

` python icgr.py -e test/seq.fasta -q `