Next.js Portfolio Web App

Main Projects

This is a web app that showcases my portfolio of projects, skills, and achievements. It is built with [Next.js], a React framework that enables fast and easy web development.


  • Responsive and elegant design with [Tailwind CSS], a utility-first CSS framework.
  • Dynamic and interactive pages with [React], a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Server-side rendering and static site generation with [Next.js], which improves performance and SEO.
  • Data fetching from [MongoDB], using prisma client
  • Deployment and hosting with [Vercel], a platform that optimizes Next.js applications.


To run this web app locally, you need to have [Node.js] and [npm] installed on your machine. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory and run npm install to install the dependencies.
  3. Create a .env file and add your MONGODB DATABASE_URL
  4. Run npm run dev to start the development server on http://localhost:3000
  5. Enjoy!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.