
Small exercise to practice app architecture techniques and testing strategies

Primary LanguageDart

Whats news

A simple application to read worldwide news


  1. Install the correct version of Flutter to run the app
    1. Install fvm and run fmv install in the project folder or
    2. Install flutter version 3.13.2
  2. Run flutter doctor to confirm everything it's installed correctly
  3. Run flutter packages get to install the project dependencies

How to run

  1. Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/ElZombieIsra/whats_news.git
  2. Rename the file .env.template to .env
  3. Paste your API Key for newsapi.org on the file .env on the NEWS_API_KEY= row
  4. Run the app using flutter run

How to test

  1. Run the tests using flutter test
  2. Verify there's a message All tests passed! at the end of the execution