
this is a simple cms project.You have to login first and then Operations that you can do : see all users , articles , course and add new users or remove user , course , article.Please check my code and criticize it.i hope you enjoy this project🤍

Primary LanguageJavaScript


demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo

  • đź“ŚDemo
  • 🙋‍♀️Developed by Elahe Fahmideh
  • 📆Created : February 2024
  • Please login first to see all the features of the project ==> username : test & password : 12345$
  • To run the program, first run 'npm install' command in the terminal to install all packages , then run 'npm run dev'.
  • âś”Technologies : React js , Axios , react-router-dom , redux-toolkit , tailwind , sweet alert , toast
  • 📧Contact with me : LINKEDIN