Since SDWebImageSwiftUI is built on top of SDWebImage, it provide both the out-of-box features as well as advanced powerful features you may want in real world Apps.
- Animated Image full-stack solution, with balance of CPU && RAM
- Progressive image loading, with animation support
- Reusable download, never request single URL twice
- URL Request / Response Modifier, provide custom HTTP Header
- Image Transformer, apply corner radius or CIFilter
- Multiple caches system, query from different source
- Multiple loaders system, load from different resource
var body: some View {
WebImage(url: URL(string: "")) { image in
image.resizable() // Control layout like SwiftUI.AsyncImage, you must use this modifier or the view will use the image bitmap size
} placeholder: {
// Supports options and context, like `.delayPlaceholder` to show placeholder only when error
.onSuccess { image, data, cacheType in
// Success
// Note: Data exist only when queried from disk cache or network. Use `.queryMemoryData` if you really need data
.indicator(.activity) // Activity Indicator
.transition(.fade(duration: 0.5)) // Fade Transition with duration
.frame(width: 300, height: 300, alignment: .center)