Topics include:
- Structs vs Classes vs Actors
- Value vs Reference Types
- Stack vs Heap memory
- Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) in Swift
- Weak vs Strong References
- Based on Values
- Can be mutated
- Stored in the Stack
- Based on References (Instances)
- Stored in the Heap
- Inharit from other classes
- Same as Class, but Thread safe
UPDATE (27 Mar 2018):
As of Swift 4.0, Xcode 9.2, running Release build on iPhone 6S, iOS 11.2.6, Swift Compiler setting is -O -whole-module-optimization:
class version took 2.06 seconds struct version took 4.17e-08 seconds (50,000,000 times faster)
(I no longer average multiple runs, as variances are very small, under 5%)
Note: the difference is a lot less dramatic without whole module optimization. I'd be glad if someone can point out what the flag actually does.
Value Types:
- Struct, Enum, String, Int, etc.
- Stored in the Stack
- Faster
- Thread safe
- When you assign or pass value type a new copy of data is created
Reference types:
- Class, Function, Actor
- Stored in the Heap
- Slower, but synchronized
- Not Thread safe (by default)
- When you assign or pass reference type a new reference to original instance will be created (pointer)
Usually (in most programming languages), objects are blocks of data that are stored on heap, and then a reference (normally a pointer) to these blocks, contains a name is using to access these blocks of data. This mechanism allows sharing objects in the heap by copying the value of their references (pointers). This is not the case of basic data types such as Integers, and that is because the memory needed to create a reference is almost the same as the object (in this case integer value). Thus, they will be passed as values not as a reference in the case of large objects.
- Stores Value types
- Variables allocated on the stack are stored directly to the memory, and access to this memory is very fast
- Each Thread has own stack
- Stores Reference types
- Shared across Threads, Each Thread dose not have it's own Heap