

  • Create an "updateArticle" route, parse HTTP request body + find Article in array and update the entry
  • Connect to MySQL DB
  • Refactor Article to separate file / module?
  • Prevent race conditions using Mutex: https://tutorialedge.net/golang/go-mutex-tutorial/ Not necessary, the RDBMS should handle this.
  • Add JWT authorization
  • Add tests - Active
  • Replace hard coded login credentials with table credentials
  • Deploy using Docker (Kubernetes)


  • Checkout project git clone https://github.com/Elandlord/go-rest-api.git
  • Run cp .env.example .env and set correct credentials in the .env
  • Make sure you have Docker installed, and run docker-compose up.


  • Run go test to run the tests (only in root directory)
  • Run go test ./... to run all tests (including subdirectories)


Replace with DB driver of choice Replace migration directory with own absolute local URL

docker run -v /Users/ericlandheer/Programming/Go/rest-api/migrations:/migrations --network host migrate/migrate -path=./migrations/ -database "mysql://go_mysql:test@tcp(localhost:3306)/go" up