Bridge Adapter SDK

For SDK documentation, see here.

The following is for existing bridge developer or DEX who wish to integrate with the SDK.

Bridge Developer

The bridge adapter provides information on:

  • Supported chains
  • Supported tokens
  • A way to get a swap route between two asset on similar or different chains
  • A way to instantiate the bridging process while having insights on what's happening

Here's a minimal interface that's needed in order to add support for your bridge

export abstract class AbstractBridgeAdapter {
  constructor({ sourceChain, targetChain, settings }: BridgeAdapterArgs) {
    this.sourceChain = sourceChain;
    this.targetChain = targetChain;
    this.settings = settings;

  abstract name(): Bridges;

  abstract getSupportedChains(): Promise<ChainName[]>;

  abstract getSupportedTokens(
    interestedTokenList: ChainDestType,
    chains?: Partial<ChainSourceAndTarget>,
    tokens?: { sourceToken: Token; targetToken: Token }
  ): Promise<Token[]>;

  abstract getSwapDetails(
    sourceToken: Token,
    targetToken: Token
  ): Promise<SwapInformation>;

  abstract bridge({
  }: {
    swapInformation: SwapInformation;
    sourceAccount: SolanaOrEvmAccount;
    targetAccount: SolanaOrEvmAccount;
    onStatusUpdate: (args: BridgeStatus) => void;
  }): Promise<boolean>;

Local development

To start developing, simply run pnpm dev. This will build all the packages in watch mode as well as spin up a local development server with the react sdk which uses the js sdk under the hood.


Run pnpm build to confirm compilation is working correctly. You should see a folder acme-core/dist which contains the compiled output.

└── dist
    ├── index.d.ts  <-- Types
    ├── index.js    <-- CommonJS version
    └── index.mjs   <-- ES Modules version

Versioning & Publishing Packages

This repo uses Changesets to manage versions, create changelogs, and publish to npm.

Generating the Changelog

To generate your changelog, run pnpm changeset locally:

  1. Which packages would you like to include? – This shows which packages and changed and which have remained the same. By default, no packages are included. Press space to select the packages you want to include in the changeset.
  2. Which packages should have a major bump? – Press space to select the packages you want to bump versions for.
  3. If doing the first major version, confirm you want to release.
  4. Write a summary for the changes.
  5. Confirm the changeset looks as expected.
  6. A new Markdown file will be created in the changeset folder with the summary and a list of the packages included.


When you push your code to GitHub, the GitHub Action will run the release script defined in the root package.json:

turbo run build && changeset publish

Turborepo runs the build script for all publishable packages (excluding docs) and publishes the packages to npm.