
rapyd: crud widgets for laravel. datatable, grids, forms, in a simple package

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a pool of presentation and editing widgets (Grids and Forms) for laravel.
Nothing to "generate", just some classes to let you develop and maintain CRUD backends in few lines of code.

Main Website: rapyd.com
Demo: rapyd.com/demo
Documentation: Wiki

rapyd laravel

important notice:

dev-master switched to laravel 5
if you are on laravel 4 you must use 1.3.* tags (see at bottom)

The Wiki documentation is for Laravel 4 version, but changes are minimal, mainly related to Blade.
(you should use {!! $widget !!} instead {{ $widget }} etc..


DataGrid extend DataSet to make data-grid output with few lines of fluent code.
It build a bootstrap striped table, with pagination at bottom and order-by links on table header. It support also blade syntax, filters, closures etc..

in a controller

   $grid = DataGrid::source(Article::with('author'));  //same source types of DataSet
   $grid->add('title','Title', true); //field name, label, sortable
   $grid->add('author.fullname','author'); //relation.fieldname 
   $grid->add('{{ substr($body,0,20) }}...','Body'); //blade syntax with main field
   $grid->add('{{ $author->firstname }}','Author'); //blade syntax with related field
   $grid->add('body|strip_tags|substr[0,20]','Body'); //filter (similar to twig syntax)
   $grid->add('body','Body')->filter('strip_tags|substr[0,20]'); //another way to filter
   $grid->edit('/articles/edit', 'Edit','modify|delete'); //shortcut to link DataEdit actions
   $grid->link('/articles/edit',"Add New", "TR");  //add button
   $grid->orderBy('article_id','desc'); //default orderby
   $grid->paginate(10); //pagination

   View::make('articles', compact('grid'))

in a view you can just write

  {{ $grid }} for L4   
  {!! $grid !!} for L5  

styling a datagrid

   $grid->add('title','Title', true)->style("width:100px"); //adding style to th
   $grid->add('body','Body')->attr("class","custom_column"); //adding class to a th
    //row and cell manipulation via closure
    $grid->row(function ($row) {
       if ($row->cell('public')->value < 1) {

datagrid supports also csv output, so it can be used as "report" tool.

   $grid->buildCSV();  //  force download 
   $grid->buildCSV('export_articles', 'Y-m-d.His');  // force download with custom stamp
   $grid->buildCSV('uploads/filename', 'Y-m-d');  // write on file 


DataForm is a form builder, you can add fields, rules and buttons.
It will build a bootstrap form, on submit it will check rules and if validation pass it'll store new entity.

   //start with empty form to create new Article
   $form = DataForm::source(new Article);
   //or find a record to update some value
   $form = DataForm::source(Article::find(1));

   //add fields to the form
   $form->add('title','Title', 'text'); //field name, label, type
   $form->add('body','Body', 'textarea')->rule('required'); //validation

   //some enhanced field (images, wysiwyg, autocomplete, etc..):
   $form->add('photo','Photo', 'image')->move('uploads/images/')->preview(80,80);
   $form->add('body','Body', 'redactor'); //wysiwyg editor
   $form->add('categories.name','Categories','tags'); //tags field
   //you can also use now the smart syntax for all fields: 
   $form->text('title','Title'); //field name, label
   $form->textarea('body','Body')->rule('required'); //validation
   $form->saved(function() use ($form)
        $form->message("ok record saved");
        $form->link("/another/url","Next Step");

   View::make('article', compact('form'))
  {{ $form }}  for L4  
  {!! $form !!}  for L5

DataForm explained

customize form in view

You can directly customize form using build() in your controller

    View::make('article', compact('form'))

then in the view you can use something like this:

    {{ $form->header }}

        {{ $form->message }} <br />

            Title:  {{ $form->field('title') }}<br /> 
            Body:  {{ $form->field('body') }}

    {{ $form->footer }}

custom form layout explained
custom form layout demo


DataEdit extends DataForm, it's a full CRUD application for given Entity.
It has status (create, modify, show) and actions (insert, update, delete) It detect status by simple query string semantic:

  /dataedit/uri                     empty form    to CREATE new records
  /dataedit/uri?show={record_id}    filled output to READ record (without form)
  /dataedit/uri?modify={record_id}  filled form   to UPDATE a record
  /dataedit/uri?delete={record_id}  perform   record DELETE
   //simple crud for Article entity
   $edit = DataEdit::source(new Article);
   $edit->link("article/list","Articles", "TR")->back();
   $edit->add('title','Title', 'text')->rule('required');
   //you can also use now the smart syntax for all fields: 
   return $edit->view('crud', compact('edit'));
  {{ $edit }} for L4   
  {!! $edit !!} for L5

DataEdit explained


DataFilter extends DataForm, each field you add and each value you fill in that form is used to build a where clause (by default using 'like' operator).
It should be used in conjunction with a DataSet or DataGrid to filter results.

   $filter = DataFilter::source(new Article);
   $filter->add('title','Title', 'text');
   $grid = DataGrid::source($filter);
   $grid->add('nome','Title', true);
   $grid->add('{{ substr($body,0,20) }}...','Body');

   View::make('articles', compact('filter', 'grid'))
   # articles.blade
   //for L4  
   {{ $filter }}  
   {{ $grid }}  

    //for L5 
   {!! $filter !!}  
   {!! $grid !!}

DataFilter explained
Custom layout and custom query scope

Install in Laravel 4.* and 5.0

To composer.json add:
"zofe/rapyd": "1.3.*" for Laravel 4, not frequently updated (should be stable)
"zofe/rapyd": "2.0.*" or dev-master for Laravel 5 (kudos to @tiger2wander for PR)

In app/config/app.php add:

then run: $ composer update zofe/rapyd.

Publish & override configuration and assets

You can quickly publish the configuration file (to override something) by running the following Artisan command.

Laravel 4

$ php artisan config:publish zofe/rapyd  
$ php artisan asset:publish zofe/rapyd

Laravel 5

$ php artisan vendor:publish  

You need also to add this to your views, to let rapyd add runtime assets:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

{{ Rapyd::head() }}  for L4   
{!! Rapyd::head() !!}  for L5


note: widget output is in standard with Boostrap 3+, and some widget need support of JQuery 1.9+ so be sure to include dependencies as above

A better choice is to split css and javascipts and move javascript at bottom, just before body to speedup the page, you can do this with:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">
{{ Rapyd::styles() }}

    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
    <script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
   {{ Rapyd::scripts() }}

In short

Rapyd use a "widget" approach to make a crud, without "generation". (this approach is worst in terms of flexibility but fast/rapid in terms of development and maintenance):

You need to "show" and "edit" record from an entity?
Ok so you need a DataGrid and DataEdit. You can build widgets where you want (even multiple widgets on same route). An easy way to work with rapyd is:

  • make a route to a controller for each entity you need to manage
  • make the controller with one method for each widget (i.e.: one for a datagrid and one for a dataedit)
  • make an empty view, include bootstrap and display content that rapyd will build for you

Rapyd comes with demo (controller, models, views) to run it just add:

/app/routes.php (Laravel 4)

Route::controller('rapyd-demo', 'Zofe\\Rapyd\\Controllers\\DemoController');

for Laravel 5 the route is already defined.

then go to:



Rapyd is licensed under the MIT license

If Rapyd saves you time, please support Rapyd