Okok, So here's a resource that i made myself with help from the Community Members in the QBCore Discord, So thank you to everyone who helped me.
The Script is a Car Scrapping Script where you would remove 1 door on a vehicle and then go to a polyzone to deliver the door, and player gets the money
Dependencies: QB-Target PolyZone
This is what i use to spawn the ped, feel free to create the ped in any way Here's how i spawn the ped in the config.lua of the resource ^^
model = "s_m_y_xmech_02",
coords = vector3(-1140.81, -1988.15, 13.17), -- Script for carscrap
heading = 20.0,
gender = "male",
animDict = "missmechanic",
animName = "work_base",
isRendered = false,
ped = nil,
To remove the green polyzones you press CTRL + F search for debugPoly=true and repalce it with debugPoly=false