
The Rune mod for Quake 3 Arena

Primary LanguageC

This is the latest working source code for RQ3.

I have included all the assets from the full versions of RQ3, note that many are not used yet.  Why?  Because the source for RQ3 v2 (both releases) was lost.  So instead of trying to resurrect it, I rebuilt the base code from scratch (it's a hell of a lot cleaner than it was before) and started adding runes back in.

You'll find no code for the grapple or alternate weapons in here.  Why?  Because after playing hours and hours of RQ3 on many different servers, I decided that both were taking focus away from what the mod was truly all about:  the runes.  Especially in Q3's more open maps and environments, the grapple truly made the game less fun, and many of the alternate weapons, when combined with runes, were just too powerful.  

Basically, this is a skeleton to allow someone to pick up the mod and run with it.  I've left much of the old source code inside the ZIP file, just commented out.  I think the overall architecture is pretty much self-explanatory.

The source project was put together and designed to run in Microsoft Visuall C++ 6.  There's no reason why it shouldn't run in VC7, but don't expect me to help you get it to run on Linux.

Now, the legal stuff.

I am releasing this source into the public domain with no license and limited restrictions.  That means you can feel free to do whatever you want with this source code provided that you:

1.  Credit the mod's originating author, Singe, someplace in your mod's website or in your README file.

2.  If you are using this source release (or major portions of it) , I'd appreciate some credits as well.

3.  The Rune and Backpack models provided in this source release MUST be credited to their creators before they can be used in any offshoot of this mod.

Slight of Challenge Pro Mode created the backpack model and skin.

The Reqiuem Q3 Team (http://www.reqoning.com/) created the rune models.


Given my overwhelming obligations at work and home (hence why this mod died in the first place), I *will not* be supporting this source code at all.  If I can, I certainly will, but DO NOT expect any help from me.  I hate to do it this way, but I just can't say anything else.

This software is to be used at your own risk.  No I didn't compile viruses into it, but if you open the file and your machine crashes, don't look at me.

Hopefully that covers everything.  Good luck!

Jared "KnyteHawkk" Larsen
Rune Quake 3