
example of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) developed with Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript



1. install dependencies:

$ yarn install

2. connect your database (PostgreSQL)

NOTE: you should create your .env file. example;


3. run Migrations & Seeds

If you don't have sequelize globally installed globally: $ yarn install sequelize -g

run migrations: $ yarn sequelize db:migrate run seeds: yarn sequelize-cli db:seed:all

4. start server:

$ yarn start

5. Access the Api documentation

import the Insomnia file to Insomnia or Postman

OBS: You can do login with the credentials (admin user):

email: teste@gmail.com
password: nodeERP2803

Environment Variables in Windows


Project structure

Inside src/; app.js => server logic (application) server.js => allocate ports routes.js => application routes

Tests with Jest

https://jestjs.io/ Node.js unit tests, mocks, coverage, etc.

  1. install jest yarn add jest -D

  2. Jest Init yarn jest --init

  3. configure your jest.config.js & create your test in tests/integration or _tests/unit

  4. run your tests yarn test

Working with Sequelize

Instaling sequelize & other libs

yarn add sequelize pg (I'm using PostgreSQL) yarn add sequelize-cli -D

Sequelize init

yarn sequelize init creates files config/config.json & models/index.js & the emptys folders migrations/ and seeders/;

Create migrations

yarn sequelize migration:create --name=create-users

Create Seeds

yarn sequelize seed:generate --name users

Create a Database in PostgreSQL

If you are using postgreSQL & pgAdmin; Create a new database in PgAdmin NOTE: you can change the username & password in src/config/database.js and the database name must be the same name

running migrations

yarn sequelize db:migrate create tables in the database if they don't exist & update database after create your table you can access in pgAdmin -> Databases -> 'your_database' -> Schemas -> public -> Tables


Node.js unit tests, mocks, coverage, etc.

  1. install jest yarn add jest -D

  2. Jest Init yarn jest --init


It is an ORM that makes it easier for us to deal with the data and tables of our Database, using Javascript syntax instead of SQL.


lib for sequelize to handle PostgreSQL Database


Helps to deal with the creation of migrations, which are the files that will control the version of our DB tables