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Still Hungry

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Still Hungry is a datapack that aims to add harder mobs, random events, and increased difficulty to vanilla minecraft along with more powerful tools and weapons against the hard difficulty.

This is inspired by Terraria's hardmode and the achievement "Still Hungry" after defeating the Wall of Flesh,guardian that seals the anciant spirits of dark and light and entering a new phase called hardmode.


  • (Upcoming) Game events. These events will either help you or kill you and these are the following events:

    • Dark moon - Increased mob spawn rate. Occurs randomly at night.
    • Dark storm - Thundering weather and increased mob rate. Occurs randomly at sunrise and lasts for a whole day and cannot be skipped by sleeping.
  • Useful smithing table. Upgrades tools other than diamond into the following tiers.

    • Tier 0 - Wooden / Leather
    • Tier 1 - Chain / Stone
    • Tier 2 - Iron / Gold
    • Tier 3 - Diamond
    • Tier 4 - Netherite

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