
sqlc python demo

Primary LanguagePython


This project aims to use as much raw SQL as possible:

  • Migrations using raw SQL 🥩.
  • ORM generated 🧙 from raw SQL 🥩 queries (thanks to sqlc-gen-python.

Quickstart 🚀

# install deps in an activated virtual environment
make install

# start up postgres container
make dbup

# apply migrations
make migrateup

# (define queries to be consumed by sqlc in sqlc/queries.sql)

# generate sqlalchemy ORM, using pydantic models
make sqlcgen

# (see the generated code in src/demo/db/users/queries.py)

# run demo program (src/demo/main.py)
make run

The setup


First, I set up Alembic:

alembic init migrations

I edited alembic.ini to specify the postgres database connection string and the filename template. Then I created the first migration:

alembic revision -m "create users table"

I then made the migrations load side-car .sql files and executes those rather than SQLAlchemy ORM queries.


Using sqlc, I initiated a default config file:

sqlc init

I then had to replace basically all of it with the example yaml at https://github.com/sqlc-dev/sqlc-gen-python. I tweaked the paths and filenames somewhat, as well as the Python package name.

I added in a few queries into the sqlc/queries.sql file, and finally I ran make sqlcgen to generate the ORM code in src/demo/db.