Hi, I'm Ele 👋

Well, that's a shortcut for my name, my full name it's Eleazar. Thought it happens to get misspronounce, even with folks that share my own language, Spanish. So far, what you need to know is the name of the letter "L" + the word "random" both in Spanish and you will be fine.

I'm a graduate of Computer Science in ULL. And this has brought a lot of good and not so good consequences 😉

  • My editor of preference is Neovim using spaces for indention (Deal with it, if you care)
  • On my professional/hobby trayectory on those bit'ty things, I had gone through several languages like python, haskell, c++, ruby, java, rust, c# and several others I would rather not to tell.

Right now, I'm learning on different fields:

  • WASM for the backend as also at the frontend
  • Game development, with a mix of tools. From bigs names as UE, Unity. But without forgetting some smallers ones like Godot and Bevy Engine
  • And I also like writting, nothing published yet, just cooking words.