
Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


A kind of Table _(┐「ε:)_❤



I'm using fontawesome in my arrow button, if you don't want to custom the button, remember require it in your app


  • data[Array] data you want display on table (default leaf node property name is list)
  • childrenPropertyName[String] customize leaf node property, default is list
  • iskey[String] key of column
  • hashKey[Boolean] default is fasle, if data not have a unique key, then set it to true, react-treetable will init a uid default property name is __uid
  • uid[String] default is __uid, property for init uid
  • isTree[Boolean] default is true, tell table is data a tree. If you set it to false, when you want to render a normal table , to some extent, can save performance , but please don't set hashKey to true
  • remote[Boolean] if set true , which means you want to handle data change, react-treetable will give control of onPageChange, onSortChange, sortName, sortOrder to parent component
  • dataSize[Number] total size of data, only useful when remote enabled
  • sortOrder[String] sort order, asc or desc
  • sortName[String] sort field in table
  • onSortChange[Function(sortName, sortOrder)] sort function, sortOrder will be asc or desc
  • expandAll[Boolean] default is false, expand all rows initially
  • expandRowKeys[Array] expanded rows keys
  • clickToCloseAll[Boolean] collapse all leaf when click to collapse, default is true
  • startArrowCol[Number] set expand arrow button show start from startArrowCol column, default is 0
  • arrowRender[Function(open)] render function of expand arrow button
  • onArrowClick[Function(collapse, data,parent)] function when click expand arrow button, arguments -> collapse,data, parent, and one callback callback, be sure callback(data)(since I should deal width async😢. ps: if you want add leaf when expand like me, please use references of data)。collapse means whether or not you are collapsing the row ?
  • pagination[Boolean] default is false, set true to enable pagination
  • options[Object] configuration of pagination
    • page[Number] means the page you want to show as default
    • prevLabel[String | Number | Node] customize previous page button
    • nextLabel[String | Number | Node] customize next page button
    • startLabel[String | Number | Node] customize page button of back to first page
    • endLabel[String | Number | Node] customize page button of back to last page
    • sizePerPage[Number] size per page, default is 10
    • paginationSize[Number] pagination bar length, default is 6
    • onPageChange[Function(page, sizePerPage)] callback when page changed
    • paginationShowsTotal[Boolean | Function(start, to , total)] display a text that the total number and current lines displayed, default is false
  • selectRow[Object] configuration of row selection (be sure isTree is false
    • mode['none', 'radio', 'checkbox'] type of selector, default is none
    • bgColor[String] background color of tag tr when selected
    • selected[Array] selected row keys
    • hideSelectColumn[Boolean] hide select column or not default is false
    • onSelect[Function(isSelected, row)] callback when select
    • onSelectAll[Function(isSelected, data)] callback when select all
  • hover[Boolean] default is true
  • hoverStyle[Object] default is {backgroundColor: '#f5f5f5'}, will effect tag tr
  • width[Number | String] width
  • height[Number | String] height
  • title[Function(data) | String | Number | Node] table title
  • footer[Function(data) | String | Number | Node] table footer
  • nestedHead[Array] nestedHead([[],[]]), string or {label: '', colspan: 1, rowspan: 1}


  • dataField[String] key of column
  • dataAlign[String] text align of column
  • dataFixed[String] this column will be fixed when table scroll, left, right or auto, default is auto
  • dataSort[Boolean] enable table sorting, default is false(only sort the first level of data when isTree)
  • dataFormat[Function(cell, level, row, index, col)] customize format function
  • hidden[Boolean] hide this column or not, default is false
  • width[Number | String] width of column
  • showArrow[Function(cell, level, row, index, col) | Boolean] force to show expand arrow button(on startArrowCol basis)

example code

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {
} from 'react-treetable';

import {
} from './fackData';

class Main extends Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            page: 1,
            list: [],
            length: 10,
            data: data,
            selected: [],
            expandRowKeys: []

    componentWillMount() {
        fetch('http://localhost:3000/list').then(res => {
            return res.json();
        }).then(json => {
                list: json

    handleClick(display, data, callback) {
        if (!display) {
            fetch('http://localhost:3000/get?a=8').then(res => {
                return res.json();
            }).then(json => {
        } else {

    handleArrowClick(collapse, data, cb) {
        if (!collapse && data.chdatalist && !data.chdatalist.length) {
            this.setState(old => {
                old.loading = true;
                return old;
            fetch(`http://localhost:3000/detail?year=${data.year}&time=${data.time}&datatype=0`).then(res => {
                return res.json();
            }).then(json => {
                data.chdatalist = json;
                this.setState(old => {
                    old.loading = false;
                    return old;
        } else {
            if (collapse) {
                this.setState(old => {
                    return old;
            } else {
                this.setState(old => {
                    old.expandRowKeys.splice(old.expandRowKeys.indexOf(data.uniqueKey), 1);
                    return old;

    headRender() {
        return [{
            id: 'columnName',
            name: ' '
        }, {
            id: 'rate',
            name: '提货费率'
        }, {
            id: 'averageCost',
            name: '提货单均成本'
        }, {
            id: 'cost',
            name: '提货成本'
        }, {
            id: 'orderMoney',
            name: '提货订单金额'
        }, {
            id: 'orderNum',
            name: '提货订单量'
        }, {
            id: 'customerNum',
            name: '提货客户数'
        }, {
            id: 'volume',
            name: '提货体积'
        }, {
            id: 'weight',
            name: '提货重量'

    showArrow(cell, level, row, index, col) {
        if (row.a == 1) {
            return false
        return true;

    render() {
        const dataFormat = {
            "a": function (cell, level, row) {
                return cell + ' I am level ' + level
            "b": function (cell, level, row, index, col) {
                if (level != 0) {
                    // let key = col[index - 1];
                    // return row[key.id || key];
                    return '';
                } else {
                    return cell + ' I am row b'
            "c": function (cell, level, row, index, col) {
                if (level != 0) {
                    let key = col[index - 2];
                    return row[key.id || key];
                } else {
                    return cell
            "d": function (cell, level, row, index, col) {
                if (level != 0) {
                    let key = col[index - 1];
                    return row[key.id || key];
                } else {
                    return cell + 1
        const options = {
            page: 1,
            sizePerPage: 1,
            sizePageList: [10, 20, 30],
            paginationShowsTotal: true,
            onPageChange: function (page, sizePerPage) {


        const selectRow = {
            mode: "checkbox",
            bgColor: "rgb(238, 193, 213)",
            selected: this.state.selected,
            hideSelectColumn: false,
            onSelectAll: (checked, currentSelected) => {
                if (checked) {
                    let checkedList = currentSelected.map(item => {
                        return item.id;
                    this.setState(old => {
                        old.selected = checkedList;
                        return old;
                } else {
                    this.setState(old => {
                        old.selected = [];
                        return old;
            onSelect: (checked, row) => {
                if (checked) {
                    this.setState(old => {
                        return old
                } else {
                    this.setState(old => {
                        old.selected.splice(old.selected.indexOf(row.id), 1);
                        return old;
        const style = {
            margin: "20px",
            background: "#fff"
        return (
                <div style={style}>
                            label: '全国',
                            colspan: 4,
                            rowspan: 2
                        }, 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a'], ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b']]}
                        <TreeHeadCol width={200} dataField="a" dataFormat={dataFormat.a}>第一列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="b" dataSort={true} width={200}
                        <TreeHeadCol width={200} dataField="c" dataSort={true}
                        <TreeHeadCol width={200} dataField="d" hidden={false}>第四列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol width={200} dataField="d" hidden={false}>第五列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="d" hidden={false}>第六列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="d" hidden={true}>第七列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol width={150} dataFormat={()=> {
                            return <a href="#">freedom!</a>
                <div style={style}>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="a">第一列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="b">第二列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="c">第三列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="d">第四列</TreeHeadCol>
                <div style={style}>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="id" dataAlign="center" dataFixed="left">id</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='regionRoleName'
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataSort={true}
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='region'
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='description'
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataFormat={()=> {
                            return <a href="#">freedom!</a>
                <div style={style}>
                    <TreeTable iskey='uniqueKey'
                               childrenPropertyName='chdatalist' expandRowKeys={this.state.expandRowKeys}
                               data={this.state.list} hover={false} onArrowClick={this.handleArrowClick.bind(this)}
                            this.headRender().map((item, index)=> {
                                return <TreeHeadCol key={index} dataAlign='center' showArrow={true}

ReactDOM.render(<Main/>, document.querySelector('.main'));

run example

    npm install
    npm run mock
    npm run dev

then open



really tired to calculate column width (:з」∠)