Museum-Related Information Search Engine in Django

*It's a collaborative project with @wwwangxinyi.


Many museums have established their museum databases, hold digital exhibitions, and provided virtual visit services to internet tourists. However, the benefits of these services do not reach everyone. A museum-related website would be built based on various museum datasets, providing users a quick search on Eastern Asian Culture.


The data will be generated from these three website databases: (can be considered as similar websites)

  1. The British Museum, London, United Kingdom
  2. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Washington, D.C., United States
  3. Brooklyn Museum, New York, United States

Data Structure

The collection related dataset would be stored as following:

Field Type Notes
ID int Identification number for each object
Title string The title of the collection
Image string URL to the image of each object
Artist string Information about the artist(s) of each object
Culture string Information about the culture which an object was created
Country string China, Japan, Mongolia or Korea
Category string The classification of the object
Date string Year, a span of years, or a phrase that describes the specific or approximate date when an artwork was designed or created
Museum string Information about belongings of each artwork
Description string The detailed introduction of the object

In detail, there will be six tables:

  • Collection (id, title, date, image, description)
  • Museum (id, name)
  • Country (id, name)
  • Category (id, name)
  • Artist (id, name)
  • User (id, nickname, comments, rating, collection)

User Interaction

Users will manually create accounts or use a Google account login. In the website they can make comments, collect and rank on the collections. Users can reply each others' comments, but can only edit or delete their own words.