- 2
RGB matrix isn't working
#34 opened by Sramsram - 8
- 12
- 0
sensor hardware information?
#50 opened by audi0615 - 0
link to CrowPi 2 OS sources
#49 opened by muellermichel - 1
Model for battery tray?
#48 opened by stuartpb - 5
How to install Crowpi2 software and drivers manually from standard Raspberry Pi OS?
#46 opened by Pearl-852 - 5
No sound from speakers
#47 opened by SpareSimian - 4
#5 opened by rabagliati - 4
Schematics for Sensor switch and power supply
#26 opened by rabagliati - 2
Is this the only support forum?
#10 opened by suranyami - 29
Crowpi2 software improvement request
#27 opened by Pearl-852 - 4
- 12
Screen resolution or bigger fonts in software
#21 opened by Karol3500 - 5
- 10
Connecting a Pi HAT
#36 opened by mrsfixit - 2
Bent Keyboard?
#35 opened by MrRKernelPanic - 5
Fan is noisy and annoying. Is the fan hardwired, or can we control when it is turned on or off?
#32 opened by ringmybell - 2
Pull Request did not merge the "About' section.
#44 opened by Pearl-852 - 4
LeTV LeUPB-501T Power Bank User Guide
#20 opened by Pearl-852 - 3
How to use all these sensors? What are the pin assignments, how is everything connected?
#30 opened by ringmybell - 1
- 0
- 3
Plain Raspberry Pi OS does not work on CrowPi2
#11 opened by suranyami - 3
- 1
Retropie keeps crashing
#39 opened by AoSpades - 2
12V to 5V conversion Issue
#37 opened by Gaalua - 1
- 7
Typos on Python Lesson
#33 opened by kensuke - 1
- 1
- 9
- 0
The shortcut file for launching the Crowpi2 menu application uses an arbitrary file naming, 1.desktop.
#25 opened by Pearl-852 - 0
- 3
CrowPi2 shuts down when starting RetroPie
#23 opened by Gamesman - 3
"Low Voltage Warning" indication when powering through the 5V USB Power Supply Port
#18 opened by Pearl-852 - 2
Where can we download or get source for fan, power management, brightness drivers?
#12 opened by suranyami - 1
Wiki page redirects to page
#13 opened by suranyami - 1
Stuck on Boot screen
#9 opened by suranyami - 1
Keyboard and Mouse won't pair
#17 opened by robertjbass - 2
Request a download link of CrowPi 2's system image
#19 opened by fengye - 1
Seven Segment access
#16 opened by rabagliati - 4
- 5
- 1
Wifi Connection issues
#2 opened by VamsiDevalla - 1
(+) and (-) only work with brightness
#1 opened by mrtinb