Distributed .NET System

The application is built using NetCore 3.1 and Docker is needed to run it correclty.

Architecture of the aplication

Arquitecture of the application

The architecture consists in an API (RetailIM.WebApi) which is an event generator for the queues.

The queues are divided by its name like {order-creation-queue} and the response queue with {order-creation-queue}-{response}.

Each API endpoint contains a different pair of queues.

The Queues are hosted/Managed in RabbitMQ.

A background worker per endpoint/flow is located in the order microservice (RetailIM.OrderMS) and it will trigger the service flow and interact with the database. A response to {queue-name}-{response} is made at this point.

The API which was waiting for the response receives it and shows it to the user.


To run the tests from the root folder execute the next script: .\Tools\Tests\testAll.ps1 you need to have Docker installed for the execution of the Integration test.

In case that you don't have docker, you can install MySQL in your own machine and update the connectionstring. You have to install as well RabbitMQ in order to be able to use the messagebus.


There is a test into the integration tests which checkes all the workflow in the next order:

  1. Create order
  2. Update delivery address
  3. Update products
  4. List all orders
  5. Get Order
  6. Delete the order


To be able to debug correctly RabbitMQ and MySql should be installed in the system. I use the Docker approach.

To build Containers with RabbitMQ and MySQL simply execute the next script .\Tools\local-development\up.ps1 once completed the next endpoints will be available:


To simulate a production environment execute in the root of the repositroy the next command docker-compose up.

Once it finish, the next endpoints will be availables

Note: Two products are inserted along with the database in the product table (100 free stock).

  • 331866d3-25f7-425f-9c75-90f21f5a606c
  • 491b9c74-db55-4d21-a377-409903e5d30f

API Endpoints

The api contains the next endpoints

Create order


POST http://localhost:8080/order/create


	"Delivery" : {
		"Country" : "IE",
		"City": "DUB",
		"Street" : "Street name"
	"Products" : [
				"ProductId" : "331866d3-25f7-425f-9c75-90f21f5a606c",
				"Quantity" : 1
				"ProductId" : "491b9c74-db55-4d21-a377-409903e5d30f",
				"Quantity" : 1


    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "orderId": "117dacc3-a46f-4b00-8eae-d79a966715f9"

Update order


PUT http://localhost:8080/order/updateproducts/117dacc3-a46f-4b00-8eae-d79a966715f9


	"ProductId" : "331866d3-25f7-425f-9c75-90f21f5a606c",
	"Quantity" : 8
	"ProductId" : "491b9c74-db55-4d21-a377-409903e5d30f",
	"Quantity" : 6


    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "success": true

Update Delivery


PUT http://localhost:8080/order/updatedelivery/117dacc3-a46f-4b00-8eae-d79a966715f9 Body:

	"Country": "IE",
	"City" : "Dublin",
	"Street" : "street 1"


    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "success": true

Get order


Get http://localhost:8080/order/117dacc3-a46f-4b00-8eae-d79a966715f9


    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "order": {
            "orderId": "117dacc3-a46f-4b00-8eae-d79a966715f9",
            "creationDateUtc": "2020-10-26T17:31:59",
            "deliveryDto": {
                "country": "IE",
                "city": "Dublin",
                "street": "street 1"
            "products": [
                    "productId": "331866d3-25f7-425f-9c75-90f21f5a606c",
                    "name": "produt",
                    "quantity": 8
                    "productId": "491b9c74-db55-4d21-a377-409903e5d30f",
                    "name": "peeetaaaadl",
                    "quantity": 6

Get List of order paginated


GET http://localhost:8080/order/page/1


    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "orders": [
                "orderId": "117dacc3-a46f-4b00-8eae-d79a966715f9",
                "creationDateUtc": "2020-10-26T17:31:59",
                "deliveryDto": {
                    "country": "IE",
                    "city": "Dublin",
                    "street": "street 1"
                "products": [
                        "productId": "331866d3-25f7-425f-9c75-90f21f5a606c",
                        "name": "produt",
                        "quantity": 8
                        "productId": "491b9c74-db55-4d21-a377-409903e5d30f",
                        "name": "peeetaaaadl",
                        "quantity": 6

Delete order


Delete http://localhost:8080/order/117dacc3-a46f-4b00-8eae-d79a966715f9


    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "success": true