
Used to report issues and feedback on antidysentery.com radio.

KART AntiDysentery Radio 88.3 FM

Fully interactive and automated radio station based on the Burning Man Experience. KART Radio has two resident DJs, Larry Harvey and Paul Addis. Yes they are robots, yes they are both dead. No, they dont always play what you request.

What am I listening to?

All times are Pacific Timezone
  • 12am to 12pm
    Kid safe mode, DJs will try hard to not play songs with curse words
  • Noon
    The first half of the Top Twenty Voted songs
  • 3pm
    The last half of the Top Twenty voted songs
  • 7pm
    The Burning Man Hour, playing only songs written about TTITD

How to use chat

First enter your name. You can now chat with other users and request songs. Anything typed starting with a ! will be considered a command and will not post to the chat room. For example typing !new will queue the song with the least amount of plays.

What about the buttons?

The buttons on the bottom of the screen are Play/Stop, Upvote, Downvote, Veto, and Chat Room

  • Upvote
    Yay! This will prevent the song from being vetoed and add it to the Top Twenty Voted Songs that play at noon. It will be saved and will play if you become a guest DJ.
  • Downvote
    Boo! This will show your dislike for the song. With enough downvotes the song will be removed from the playlist permanently.
  • Veto
    If the song is bad enough and you just can't take it anymore, Veto it! It takes one token to veto. Once the veto is accepted, Larry will spin the Wheel of Punishment, and it is anyones guess what happens after that. We live by the wheel, we die by the wheel.


Yes, money. Earn tokens or have them gifted to you. Use tokens to veto songs, become a guest DJ, or gamble.

How do I get more tokens?

You must enter a password to gain more tokens and to unlock advanced features. To set your password to hankey type in the chat... Don't forget it!

!password hankey

Chat Commands

For example to set your camp name to Center Camp, go to chat room, make sure you entered a password, and type:

!camp Center Camp
  • !help
    List of some common chat commands
  • !advanced
    More chat commands
  • !me
    View your own status
  • !password {password}
    Set your password and unlock advanced features
  • !name {name}
    Change your name
  • !camp {camp}
    Change the name of your camp
  • !city {city}
    Change the name of your city
  • !state {state}
    Change the name of your state
  • !male or !female
    Change your gender
  • !new
    Play the song with the least amount of plays
  • !slot
    Take a gamble with the slot machine
  • !r {request}
    Request a song. Good luck getting the right one!
  • !d {name}, {request}
    Dedicate a song to anyone!
  • !url {youtube link}
    Special Request! Post a youtube link here to play songs straight from the internet
  • !pm {name}, {message}
    Send a Private Message to another chat room user
  • !s {shoutout}
    Just a shoutout at the end of the song, anything you want to say!
  • !gift {name} {num}
    Give num of tokens to anyone! They just need to have a password set!
  • !experience
    Start your DJ Experience! You must have at least 6 songs liked. Cost is 2 tokens. Average run time is 30 minutes
  • !nsfw
    Mark the song as NSFW. These songs will still play, but not before noon.
  • !kidmode
    Starts or ends Kid Mode. It just plays a few kid friendly songs.