Electricity Billing System

Tech Stack Used: Java/Java Swing MySQL

Aim: For an electricity consumer, to be able to pay/generate their electricity bill.

Things kept in mind: Users will be able to create and login into their account and get their bills generated on the basis of their location and meter rent. Users can only take a look at their bills. They cannot create their own bills and add meter readings, as this can lead to bluffing. Admins will have their respective id/password, through which they can login and can upload bills of different customers based on their meterID. Admins can also look at the details of various bills and customers.

Database Information:

Table 1: User having attributes name, phone, meter_no, state, email, username

Table 2: Userlogin having attributes username, password

Table 3: bill having attributes meter_no, month and bill

Table 4: state_tax having attributes state and tax

Table 5: login(admin) having attributes username, password

Table 6: Meter_type having attributes type_name and rent

Table 5: Meter having attributes meter_no and type_name

Steps to run the application:

import the databases into mysql database. Connect - connect class with mysql using JDBC jar file. Run flash class. Preview of different classes are as follows:

Screenshot (164)

This is the opening screen. After this user/admin is needed to be selected.

Screenshot (165)

If admin is selected following screen will appear:

Screenshot (166)

Screenshot (179)

If view users is selected :

Screenshot (168)

If Generate a bill is selected: Meter no. and units consumed is needed and then corresponding bills will be generated as shown below.

Screenshot (170)

Screenshot (171)

If an admin wants to delete a user, he just needs to enter the unique username to do so.

Screenshot (169)

If user is selected:

Screenshot (166)

They can see their profile details on login.

Screenshot (177)

If users click on get bill, they can take a look at the bills as updated by the admin.

Screenshot (178)