
Electrium Mobility Discord Bot Developing

Primary LanguageJavaScript

⚡ Electrium Mobility Discord Bot ⚡


💪 Contributing To This Project

To become a hard working developer for this project, join Electrium Mobility and join our Discord server to get started ASAP!

🚀 How To Start This Project

  1. Clone this project
git clone https://github.com/Electrium-Mobility/discord-bot.git
  1. Install node and npm modules

ensure you are using Node v16.11.0 or higher for macs :

brew install node
npm i
  1. Obtain config tokens
Go into Discord, find the pinned messages for config.json and credentials.json in the config-and-credentials channel. Download and put into your directory.
  1. Run this command to deploy commands:
node deploy-commands.js
  1. Run bot with:
node .

When developing, it is recommended to use nodemon:

nodemon .

🤖 Using the Bot

See our Clickup document for more info on how to use the various commands!

🎈 For Beginner Developers

1️⃣ Welcome aboard!

If you feel daunted by all of this, no worries! This guide will help you get an understanding of how this flow works.

2️⃣ Take/create a ticket from Clickup

Get started by connecting your Github account to Clickup if you haven't done so yet.

Head over to the Clickup Kanban board and see if there is anything that you can tackle. Have an idea that's not on the board? Create it yourself and start working on it! Follow the instructions on Clickup on how to create your own branch from the Kanban board.

3️⃣ Implement and program!

Go ham! Type and program to your heart's content! This part might take the longest and that's okay! Being slow is all part of the learning progress and it gets better the more you code. Don't forget to test everything before moving onto the next step!

4️⃣ Create a Pull Request

Once everything is looking good, it's time to merge it to the main branch. It's like writing a book. You just finished writing an amazing story and it's time to have it sent to a publisher. A pull request (PR) says "Hey I'm ready to publish my contributions!" Just like how publishing a book works, after putting in a PR, your code will be reviewed by a team member to verify if everything looks good or not. Some things may be pointed out for some revision, but eventually, your PR will be approved and then you can merge into the main branch!

5️⃣ Repeat!

How did that feel? Exciting? Exhilarating? There's always more work to be done to this bot, so how about starting again from step 1?

🔗 External Resources

Clickup stores all the documentations you will need to contribute to this project! It also has this project's Kanban board, where it tracks the development progress of this project. Feel free to open a ticket of your own and start working!

Discord.js has awesome documentation and resources for beginners to start contributing. They even have their own Discord server where you can consult experts for any Discord.js related questions!

In addition, they have an excellent guide that you can follow to understand how the codebase works.

Refer to this documentation if you ever find yourself implementing features relating to voice calls.

New to JavaScript? Mozilla's documentation is a terrific place to head to! Good alternatives include, but are not limited to: W3Schools, Codecademy, and The Modern JavaScript Tutorial.