
A website for a fictional company Nexter, selling luxury homes all across the globe. Undertaken as part of an Advanced CSS course to learn CSS Grid.

Primary LanguageHTML

project logo


A website for a fictional company Nexter, selling luxury homes all across the globe.

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Built With
  3. Screenshots

About The Project

Nexter is a fictional company that sells luxury homes from various different countries around the globe such as the USA and Germany. This project was undertaken as part of a Advanced CSS and Sass course to gain further understanding of CSS Grid, utilising it within a project.

Link to live demo: https://nexter-erhandev.vercel.app

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Built With

  • CSS
  • Sass
  • HTML5

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hero phone

realtors phone

features phone

story phone

homes phone

gallery phone

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