Born Portuguese and Brazilian. Grew up in Ibiza, Spain. Computer Science Undergraduate in the University of Bristol, UK.
Bristol, UK
ElectronAlchemist's Following
- akmalkhalil
- AleenaCodes
- AlejandroPeralTaboadaA Coruña
- andrewye-Bristol
- BryanAbateLausanne, Switzerland
- carlhenrikekTulou
- Codrin-PopaUnited Kingdom
- conorhoughtonUnited Kingdom
- corinv
- davecliffUniversity of Bristol
- DaveKilbey@NaturalApptitudeLtd
- Dirac-MaBristol, United Kingdom
- hal-jones
- j-meech
- joewoodhouse
- juan-pozuelo
- KarimAllaouatDaemon
- kissmate89bimspot
- lazyprogrammer
- LidiaTeleoaca
- MatthewMKCo
- MayorOfAlbuquerque
- miguelAurelioMuriasSpain
- miguellamas28@Talento
- NatAppMatt@natural-apptitude
- ollieri3@ImmersiveLabsUkOrg
- oxpoleon
- pachir
- So-Cool
- sunnyMiglaniBristol, UK
- toddym42
- zenzikeOxford, UK