
32-Bit ALU and Testbench

Primary LanguageVerilog

32-Bit ALU

Breakdown of files in repository:

  • Verilog files (*.v):
    • alu.v: Contains the code for the ALU, as well as all of its internal components (i.e. adder, multiplier, etc.)
    • testbench.v: Contains the code for the testbench and sets the timescale and resolution of the simulation.
  • Test-vector files (*.tv):
    • alu-tests.tv: This file was originally intended to be used for the test vector, but using hexadecimal became inconvenient (slicing the bit vector properly became annoying) so we switched to new-alu-tests.tv.
    • new-alu-tests.tv: This contains the test vectors used for simulation (as can be seen in the testbench code). All the test vectors are encoded as binary strings, with underscores for readability.
  • Waveform files (*.png): The entire waveform generated during simulation is broken up into the 3 files waveform1.png through waveform3.png.
  • to-binary.py: A small python script used to convert the original alu-tests.tv file into a bunch of bit strings.