A Neovim bufferline for people with addictive personalities
The goal of this plugin is not to be an opinionated bufferline with (more or less) limited customization options. Rather, it tries to provide a general framework allowing you to build your ideal bufferline, whatever that might look like.
aims to be the most customizable bufferline plugin around. If
you have an idea in mind of what your bufferline should look like, you should
be able to make it look that way. If you can't, open an issue and we'll try to
make it happen!
Here's a (very limited) showcase of what it can be configured to look like (check out Example configs for more examples):
Click to see configuration
local get_hex = require('cokeline/utils').get_hex
default_hl = {
focused = {
fg = get_hex('ColorColumn', 'bg'),
bg = get_hex('Normal', 'fg'),
unfocused = {
fg = get_hex('Normal', 'fg'),
bg = get_hex('ColorColumn', 'bg'),
components = {
text = function(buffer) return ' ' .. buffer.devicon.icon end,
hl = {
fg = function(buffer) return buffer.devicon.color end,
text = function(buffer) return buffer.unique_prefix end,
hl = {
fg = get_hex('Comment', 'fg'),
style = 'italic',
text = function(buffer) return buffer.filename .. ' ' end,
text = '',
delete_buffer_on_left_click = true,
text = ' ',
Click to see configuration
local get_hex = require('cokeline/utils').get_hex
local gren = vim.g.terminal_color_2
local yellow = vim.g.terminal_color_3
default_hl = {
focused = {
fg = get_hex('Normal', 'fg'),
bg = get_hex('ColorColumn', 'bg'),
unfocused = {
fg = get_hex('Comment', 'fg'),
bg = get_hex('ColorColumn', 'bg'),
components = {
text = '|',
hl = {
fg = function(buffer)
buffer.is_modified and yellow or green
text = function(buffer) return buffer.devicon.icon .. ' ' end,
hl = {
fg = function(buffer) return buffer.devicon.color end,
text = function(buffer) return buffer.index .. ': ' end,
text = function(buffer) return buffer.unique_prefix end,
hl = {
fg = get_hex('Comment', 'fg'),
style = 'italic',
text = function(buffer) return buffer.filename .. ' ' end,
hl = {
style = function(buffer) return buffer.is_focused and 'bold' or nil end,
text = ' ',
Click to see configuration
local get_hex = require('cokeline/utils').get_hex
default_hl = {
focused = {
fg = get_hex('Normal', 'fg'),
bg = 'NONE',
unfocused = {
fg = get_hex('Comment', 'fg'),
bg = 'NONE',
components = {
text = function(buffer) return (buffer.index ~= 1) and '▏' or '' end,
hl = {
fg = get_hex('Normal', 'fg')
text = function(buffer) return ' ' .. buffer.devicon.icon end,
hl = {
fg = function(buffer) return buffer.devicon.color end,
text = function(buffer) return buffer.filename .. ' ' end,
hl = {
style = function(buffer) return buffer.is_focused and 'bold' or nil end,
text = '',
delete_buffer_on_left_click = true,
text = ' ',
Even when you have a lot of buffers open, nvim-cokeline
is rendered to always
keep the focused buffer visible and in the middle of the bufferline. Also, if a
buffer doesn't fit entirely we still try to include as much of it as possible
before cutting off the rest.
If a buffer has an LSP client attached to it, you can configure the style of a component to change based on how many errors, warnings, infos and hints are reported by the LSP.
You can focus and close any buffer by typing its pick_letter
. Letters are
assigned by filename by default (e.g. foo.txt
gets the letter f
), and by
keyboard reachability if the letter is already assigned to another buffer.
Click to see configuration
local is_picking_focus = require('cokeline/mappings').is_picking_focus
local is_picking_close = require('cokeline/mappings').is_picking_close
local get_hex = require('cokeline/utils').get_hex
local red = vim.g.terminal_color_1
local yellow = vim.g.terminal_color_3
default_hl = {
focused = {
fg = get_hex('Normal', 'fg'),
bg = get_hex('ColorColumn', 'bg'),
unfocused = {
fg = get_hex('Comment', 'fg'),
bg = get_hex('ColorColumn', 'bg'),
components = {
text = function(buffer) return (buffer.index ~= 1) and '▏' or '' end,
text = ' ',
text = function(buffer)
(is_picking_focus() or is_picking_close())
and buffer.pick_letter .. ' '
or buffer.devicon.icon
hl = {
fg = function(buffer)
(is_picking_focus() and yellow)
or (is_picking_close() and red)
or buffer.devicon.color
style = function(_)
(is_picking_focus() or is_picking_close())
and 'italic,bold'
or nil
text = ' ',
text = function(buffer) return buffer.filename .. ' ' end,
hl = {
style = function(buffer) return buffer.is_focused and 'bold' or nil end,
text = '',
delete_buffer_on_left_click = true,
text = ' ',
When files with the same filename belonging to different directories are opened simultaneously, you can include a unique filetree prefix to distinguish between them:
You can switch focus between buffers with a left click and you can delete them with a right click:
The two main requirements are Neovim 0.5+ and the termguicolors
option to be
set. If you want to display devicons in your bufferline you'll also need the
plugin and a patched font (see Nerd Fonts).
If you ported your Neovim config to Lua and use packer.nvim as your plugin manager you can install this plugin with:
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
-- ...
requires = 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', -- If you want devicons
config = function()
-- ...
If your config is still written in Vimscript and you use vim-plug:
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
" ...
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' " If you want devicons
Plug 'noib3/nvim-cokeline'
" ...
call plug#end()
set termguicolors
lua << EOF
All the configuration is done by changing the contents of the Lua table passed to
the setup
The valid keys are:
-- Only show the bufferline when there are at least this many visible buffers.
-- default: `1`.
show_if_buffers_are_at_least = int,
buffers = {
-- A function to filter out unwanted buffers. Takes a buffer table as a
-- parameter (see the following section for more infos) and has to return
-- either `true` or `false`.
-- default: `false`.
filter_valid = function(buffer) -> true | false,
-- A looser version of `filter_valid`, use this function if you still
-- want the `cokeline-{switch,focus}-{prev,next}` mappings to work for
-- these buffers without displaying them in your bufferline.
-- default: `false`.
filter_visible = function(buffer) -> true | false,
-- If set to `last` new buffers are added to the end of the bufferline,
-- if `next` they are added next to the current buffer.
-- default: 'last',
new_buffers_position = 'last' | 'next',
mappings = {
-- Controls what happens when the first (last) buffer is focused and you
-- try to focus/switch the previous (next) buffer. If `true` the last
-- (first) buffers gets focused/switched, if `false` nothing happens.
-- default: `true`.
cycle_prev_next = true | false,
rendering = {
-- The maximum number of characters a rendered buffer is allowed to take
-- up. The buffer will be truncated if its width is bigger than this
-- value.
-- default: `999`.
max_buffer_width = int,
-- The default highlight group values for focused and unfocused buffers.
-- The `fg` and `bg` keys are either colors in hexadecimal format or
-- functions taking a `buffer` parameter and returning a color in
-- hexadecimal format. Similarly, the `style` key is either a string
-- containing a comma separated list of items in `:h attr-list` or a
-- function returning one.
default_hl = {
focused = {
-- default: `ColorColumn`'s background color.
fg = '#rrggbb' | function(buffer) -> '#rrggbb',
-- default: `Normal`'s foreground color.
bg = '#rrggbb' | function(buffer) -> '#rrggbb',
-- default: `'NONE'`.
style = 'attr1,attr2,...' | function(buffer) -> 'attr1,attr2,...',
unfocused = {
-- default: `Normal`'s foreground color.
fg = '#rrggbb' | function(buffer) -> '#rrggbb',
-- default: `ColorColumn`'s background color.
bg = '#rrggbb' | function(buffer) -> '#rrggbb',
-- default: `'NONE'`.
style = 'attr1,attr2,...' | function(buffer) -> 'attr1,attr2,...',
-- A list of components to be rendered for each buffer. Check out the section
-- below explaining what this value can be set to.
-- default: see `/lua/cokeline/defaults.lua`
components = {},
Some of the configuration options can be functions that take a buffer
as a
single parameter. This is useful as it allows users to set the values of
components dynamically based on the buffer that component is being rendered
The buffer
parameter is just a Lua table with the following keys:
buffer = {
-- The buffer's order in the bufferline (1 for the first buffer, 2 for the
-- second one, etc.).
index = int,
-- The buffer's internal number as reported by `:ls`.
number = int,
is_focused = true | false,
is_modified = true | false,
is_readonly = true | false,
-- The buffer's type as reported by `:echo &buftype`.
type = 'string',
-- The buffer's filetype as reported by `:echo &filetype`.
filetype = 'string',
-- The buffer's full path.
path = 'string',
-- The buffer's filename.
filename = 'string',
-- A unique prefix used to distinguish buffers with the same filename
-- stored in different directories. For example, if we have two files
-- `bar/foo.md` and `baz/foo.md`, then the first will have `bar/` as its
-- unique prefix and the second one will have `baz/`.
unique_prefix = 'string',
-- The letter that is displayed when picking a buffer to either focus or
-- close it.
pick_letter = 'char',
-- This needs the `kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons` plugin to be installed.
devicon = {
-- An icon representing the buffer's filetype.
icon = 'string',
-- The colors of the devicon in hexadecimal format (useful to be passed
-- to a component's `hl.fg` field (see the `Components` section).
color = '#rrggbb',
-- The values in this table are the ones reported by Neovim's built in
-- LSP interface.
diagnostics = {
errors = int,
warnings = int,
infos = int,
hints = int,
You can configure what each buffer in your bufferline will be composed of by
passing a list of components to the setup
For example, let's imagine we want to construct a very minimal bufferline where the only things we're displaying for each buffer are its index, its filename and a close button.
Then in our setup
function we'd have:
-- ...
components = {
text = function(buffer) return ' ' .. buffer.index end,
text = function(buffer) return ' ' .. buffer.filename .. ' ' end,
text = '',
delete_buffer_on_left_click = true,
text = ' ',
in this case every buffer would be composed of four components: the first
displaying a space followed by the buffer index, the second one the filename
padded by a space on each side, then a close button that allows us to
the buffer by left-clicking on it, and finally an extra space.
This way of dividing each buffer into distinct components, combined with the ability to define every component's text and color depending on some property of the buffer we're rendering, allows for great customizability.
Every component passed to the components
list has to be a table of the form:
text = 'string' | function(buffer) -> 'string',
-- The foreground, backgrond and style of the component. `style` is a
-- comma-separated string of values defined in `:h attr-list`.
hl = {
fg = '#rrggbb' | function(buffer) -> '#rrggbb',
bg = '#rrggbb' | function(buffer) -> '#rrggbb',
style = 'attr1,attr2,...' | function(buffer) -> 'attr1,attr2,...',
-- If `true` the buffer will be deleted when this component is
-- left-clicked (useful to implement close buttons).
delete_buffer_on_left_click = true | false,
truncation = {
-- default: index of the component in the `components` table (1 for the
-- first component, 2 for the second, etc.).
priority = int,
-- default: `right`.
direction = 'left' | 'right',
the text
key is the only one that has to be set, all the others are optional
and can be omitted.
The truncation
table controls what happens when a buffer is too long to be
displayed in its entirety.
More specifically, if a buffer's width (given by the sum of the widths of all
its components) is bigger than the rendering.max_buffer_width
config option,
the buffer will be truncated.
The default behaviour is truncate the buffer by dropping components from right
to left, with the text of the last component that's included also being
shortened from right to left. This can be modified by changing the values of
the truncation.priority
and truncation.direction
The truncation.priority
controls the order in which components are dropped:
the first component to be dropped will be the one with the lowest priority. If
that's still not enough to bring the width of the buffer within the
limit, the component with the second lowest
priority will be dropped, and so on. Note that a higher priority means a
smaller integer value: a component with a priority of 5 will be dropped
after a component with a priority of 6, even though 6 > 5.
The truncation.direction
key simply controls from which direction a component
is shortened. For example, you might want to set the truncation.direction
a component displaying a filename to 'left'
, so that if the filename has to
be shortened you'll still be able to see its extension, like in the following
We expose the following <Plug>
mappings which can be used as the right hand
side of other mappings:
-- Focus the previous/next buffer
-- Switch the position of the current buffer with the previous/next buffer.
-- Focuses the buffer with index `i`.
-- Switches the position of the current buffer with the buffer of index `i`.
-- Focus a buffer by its `pick_letter`.
-- Close a buffer by its `pick_letter`.
A possible configuration could be:
local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
map('n', '<S-Tab>', '<Plug>(cokeline-focus-prev)', { silent = true })
map('n', '<Tab>', '<Plug>(cokeline-focus-next)', { silent = true })
map('n', '<Leader>p', '<Plug>(cokeline-switch-prev)', { silent = true })
map('n', '<Leader>n', '<Plug>(cokeline-switch-next)', { silent = true })
for i = 1,9 do
map('n', ('<F%s>'):format(i), ('<Plug>(cokeline-focus-%s)'):format(i), { silent = true })
map('n', ('<Leader>%s'):format(i), ('<Plug>(cokeline-switch-%s)'):format(i), { silent = true })
Open a new issue or send a PR if you'd like to have your configuration featured here!
author: @noib3
This is my personal configuration. Check it out here.
author: @olimorris
Click to see configuration
local M = {}
function M.setup()
local present, cokeline = pcall(require, "cokeline")
if not present then
local colors = require("colors").get()
show_if_buffers_are_at_least = 2,
mappings = {
cycle_prev_next = true,
default_hl = {
focused = {
fg = colors.purple,
bg = "NONE",
style = "bold",
unfocused = {
fg = colors.gray,
bg = "NONE",
components = {
text = function(buffer)
return buffer.index ~= 1 and " "
text = function(buffer)
return buffer.index .. ": "
hl = {
style = function(buffer)
return buffer.is_focused and "bold" or nil
text = function(buffer)
return buffer.unique_prefix
hl = {
fg = function(buffer)
return buffer.is_focused and colors.purple or colors.gray
style = "italic",
text = function(buffer)
return buffer.filename .. " "
hl = {
style = function(buffer)
return buffer.is_focused and "bold" or nil
text = function(buffer)
return buffer.is_modified and " ●"
hl = {
fg = function(buffer)
return buffer.is_focused and colors.red
text = " ",
return M
author: @alex-popov-tech
Click to see configuration
return function()
local get_hex = require("cokeline/utils").get_hex
local space = {text = " "}
mappings = {
cycle_prev_next = true,
default_hl = {
focused = {
bg = "none"
unfocused = {
fg = get_hex("Comment", "fg"),
bg = "none"
components = {
text = function(buffer)
return buffer.devicon.icon
hl = {
fg = function(buffer)
return buffer.devicon.color
text = function(buffer)
return buffer.filename
hl = {
fg = function(buffer)
if buffer.is_focused then
return "#78dce8"
if buffer.is_modified then
return "#e5c463"
if buffer.lsp.errors ~= 0 then
return "#fc5d7c"
style = function(buffer)
if buffer.is_focused then
return "underline"
return nil
text = function(buffer)
if buffer.is_readonly then
return " 🔒"
return ""