
Statement of the project (in Spanish / English)


This project aims to recreate the functionality of the printf function from the C standard library (<stdio.h>). The goal is to implement this function using variadic arguments, providing support for various format specifiers and handling different types of data.

Project Objectives

  • Understand and implement variadic functions in C.

  • Handle different format specifiers to print various data types.

  • Manage multiple flags and their combinations for formatting output.

Variadic Functions and Arguments

Variadic functions are functions that accept a variable number of arguments. In C, this is achieved using the stdarg.h library, which provides macros to handle the arguments.

Key Macros

  • va_list : A type to hold the information needed to retrieve the additional arguments.

  • va_start : Initializes a va_list variable to retrieve the additional arguments.

  • va_arg : Retrieves the next argument in the list.

  • va_end : Cleans up the va_list variable.

Mandatory part

Function Prototype

The prototype of the function is the following:

int	ft_printf(const char *str, ...);

Supported Format Specifiers

The ft_printf function must handle the following format specifiers:

Specifier Description
'%c' Prints a single character
'%s' Prints a string
'%p' Prints a pointer in hexadecimal format
'%d' Prints a decimal (base 10) number
'%i' Prints an integer in base 10
'%u' Prints an unsigned decimal (base 10) number
'%x' Prints a number in hexadecimal (base 16) lowercase format
'%X' Prints a number in hexadecimal (base 16) uppercase format
'%c' Prints a single character
'%%' Prints a percent sign

Bonus part

The bonus part extends the functionality to handle various flags for formatting:

Supported Flags

Flags Description
'-' Right-padding with spaces
'0' Left-padding with zeroes
'.' Indicates precision
'#' Adds "0x" to a hexadecimal number
' ' Adds a space before a positive number
'+' Adds a sign (+/-) before a number


The general format for the ft_printf function with flags is:


Implementation Steps

  1. Parsing the Format String: Identify and extract format specifiers and flags from the input string.

  2. Handling Variadic Arguments: Use va_list to manage a variable number of arguments passed to the function.

  3. Implementing Specifiers: Write functions to handle each format specifier, converting the arguments to their respective string representations.

  4. Managing Flags: Implement the logic to handle different flags and apply them to the formatted output.

  5. Combining Results: Construct the final output string by combining the processed arguments and print it.