- Add README file with the steps of configuring your app and running it
- Use Git version to preview your project
Create SCALEABLE COMPONENT based on JavaScript By using Vue/React
Consider the project to be SCALEABLE
Create responsive app
Don't use CSS frame works (Only CSS components)
use SASS and follow the guidelines mentioned bellow
create a responsive YOUTUBE like app
head bar:
- in mobile it will be scrollable
- in desktop it will be fixed
the main page:
- is a search page /search?query={txt}
in mobile:
- it will look like mbile1.png has header, filters, and body
- the header contains logo search text and search icon
- when u click on the search key the search text will convert to search input like in search-control.png
- the loading will be like the mobile-loading-state.png
in desktop:
- it will looks like desktop-view.png/ desktop-view-1.png
- the heder is fixed when scrolling
- the header has the logo and the search controllers
- the second header had the results count and the filters button
- when u search (write in textbox and press enter or click the search button) the loading bar will appear like in desktop-loading.png
use youtube Apis: the search Api
- Use git and the make sure the commit messages makesense
- try to use css and js linters, be consistent in the way of writing your code
- Use Flux Arch
- BEM,& SCSS in writing you scss code.
- css guideline:
- js guidelines: