
HaHa, this is a flowchart generator.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


HaHa, this is a flowchart generator.

online edit website



npm install ha-chart --save

quick start

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <div id="container"></div>
const {compiler, layout, Container} = require('ha-chart')

const code = `
type CondStyle struct{
  "extend": "deafultShape",
  "fill": "#fcb738"

def start("action")
  () -> cond

def cond:CondStyle("is 10?")
  ("yes") -> step1
  ("no") -> step2

def step1("step 1")

def step2("step 2")

const output = layout(compiler(code))
const container = new Container({containerID: "container"})



compiler(code, options)


//create new style, you can extends default style to create new style
type style struct{
  "extend": "deafultShape",
  "fill": "#fcb738"

// create a chart
def name:style("string")
  () -> nextShape


you can change the default style at compiler code using options.

  type: {
    deafultShape: {
      fill: '#3ab882',
      cornerRadius: 10,
      maxWidth: 180,
      fontType: {
        fontSize: 16,
        fontFamily: 'Calibri',
        padding: 20,
        fill: '#fff',
        fontStyle: 'bold',
        align: 'center'
    defaultAnnotation: {
      fill: '#fff',
      fontType: {
        fontSize: 16,
        fontFamily: 'Calibri',
        padding: 5,
        fill: '#8699a3',
        fontStyle: 'bold',
        align: 'center'
    defaultFontType: {
      'fontSize': 16,
      'fontFamily': 'Calibri',
      'fill': '#fff',
      'fontStyle': 'bold',
      'align': 'center',
      'padding': 20
    defaultArrow: {
      stroke: '#8699a3',
      strokeWidth: 3,
      lineCap: 'round',
      lineJoin: 'round'

draw with konvajs

more defaultShape and defaultAnnotation Parameters

more defaultArrow Parameters

more default fontType parameters

layout(input, options)


const input = compiler(code)


name defaultValue description
rankdir TB Direction for rank nodes. Can be TB, BT, LR, or RL, where T = top, B = bottom, L = left, and R = right.
align TB Alignment for rank nodes. Can be UL, UR, DL, or DR, where U = up, D = down, L = left, and R = right.
nodesep 50 Number of pixels that separate nodes horizontally in the layout.
edgesep 10 Number of pixels that separate edges horizontally in the layout.
ranksep 50 Number of pixels between each rank in the layout.
marginx 0 Number of pixels to use as a margin around the left and right of the graph.
marginy 0 Number of pixels to use as a margin around the top and bottom of the graph.
acyclicer undefined If set to greedy, uses a greedy heuristic for finding a feedback arc set for a graph. A feedback arc set is a set of edges that can be removed to make a graph acyclic.
ranker network-simplex Type of algorithm to assigns a rank to each node in the input graph. Possible values: network-simplex, tight-tree or longest-path


constructor({containerID: "string"})

containerID: the id of document node.


draw the compiler code