Pinned issues
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el-date-picker组件type="datetimerange"时 设置format="yyyy-MM-dd HH时" 日期后面也会加一个时,且滚动选择时间时会重复把这个字加上
#23041 opened by hugselina2019 - 0
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#23039 opened by pinganyisheng - 0
[Bug Report] Popconfirm 气泡确认框 文档 Events 事件内容标注错误
#23038 opened by SummerKaze - 0
elementui DateTimePicker组件使用遇到vue-admin-beautiful错误拦截: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
#23037 opened by linx2009 - 0
#23036 opened by linjizi - 0
#23035 opened by rzczach - 0
<el-table>进行表格循环的时候搭配 <el-input>组件进行编辑表格操作例如开启了 :autofocus="true"会导致第一次进入页面启用编辑状态后,导致表格错版
#23034 opened by laohan6 - 1
【bug】Skeleton 这个组件如果按需引入会无法渲染
#23033 opened by xkhanhan - 2
[Bug Report] render-header does not display
#23031 opened by LullabyLY - 1
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#23030 opened by fullstackdeveloper112 - 1
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current-node-key 这个属性不受外部控制,似乎只有默认效果,如果要受控需要用哪个?
#23029 opened by xkhanhan - 0
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[Feature Request] 是否完美支持Vue 2.7?
#23027 opened by jiankian - 0
<el-cascader :options="options" :props="{ checkStrictly: true }" clearable></el-cascader>为什么这个组件报错Blocked aria-hidden on a <input> element because the element that just received focus must not be hidden from assistive technology users. Avoid using aria-hidden on a focused element or its ancestor. Consider using the inert attribute instead, which will also prevent focus. For more details, see the aria-hidden section of the WAI-ARIA specification at
#23025 opened by wxj-yyds - 0
<el-cascader :options="options" :props="{ checkStrictly: true }" clearable></el-cascader>
#23024 opened by wxj-yyds - 0
[Bug Report] el-date-picker组件type="week" format="yyyy 第 WW 周" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd",当选取跨年周时,获取的日期错误,不是该周的第一个日期。
#23023 opened by HenryLin0 - 2
[Bug Report] el-upload 阿拉伯文站 show-file-list 报replace错误
#23022 opened by hangingpot - 0
#23020 opened by NuanYang-Li - 3
[Bug Report] el-popover悬浮框在el-table表格单元格内的输入框中使用时的异常问题
#22984 opened by LSL1618 - 0
[Bug Report] When el-image in a dynamic element, the image will request twice
#23019 opened by candisecandise - 0
<el-table>进行表格循环的时候搭配 <el-input>组件进行编辑表格操作例如开启了 :autofocus="true"会导致第一次进入页面启用编辑状态后,导致表格错版
#23018 opened by laohan6 - 1
[Bug Report] Select内置的滚动条Bar的事件mouseup丢失问题
#23017 opened by TigerWFH - 0
[Feature Request] When the table component is set with "show-overflow-tooltip", if the text is too long, it will be displayed in full screen, but sometimes it is not fully displayed.
#23016 opened by Zy76278 - 0
close-on-click-modal 直接设置无效
#23015 opened by Zy76278 - 0
[Bug Report] types里 element-ui.d.ts 类型“D”不满足约束“TreeData”
#23014 opened by lzg-night - 0
[Feature Request] DatePicker 日期选择器 和 DateTimePicker 日期时间选择器 是否可以支持点击年 或者月 ,快速切换年月 ,就跟单个选择年月一样 支持快速选择
#23013 opened by oldTimer98 - 2
[Bug Report] 性能优化:Dropdown/Select 在不展开的情况下,不应该渲染 DOM 节点
#23000 opened by axetroy - 0
#23009 opened by TheShyGirlFriend - 1
#23008 opened by weitaoYan6515 - 1
[Bug Report] el-tooltip的文字提示,有概率不在指定位置显示,而是显示在浏览器页面左上角
#23002 opened by misakichan - 0
[Feature Request] el-select 设置filterable时,每次点击输入框内容消失
#23004 opened by luoyuanyuan99 - 0
[Bug Report] el-form label-suffix不生效
#23003 opened by lujiuqi - 0
[Bug Report] Cascader 多选,第一层级全部 disabled 的情况下,打开时左上角存在异常元素
#23001 opened by KLDN0208 - 0
[Feature Request] 能否在时间选择器输入框展示【清空】按钮
#22999 opened by Rafong973 - 0
[Bug Report] this.$msgBox 函数使用message 自定义vnode时使用element内置组件比如el-radio-group时 v-model 双向绑定失效
#22998 opened by sun-weitao - 1
[Feature Request] 可以考虑给组件下拉框el-select的el-option 加上一些自定义class 或者自定义样式,也可以加一下前缀后缀图标,目前想改一下选项的样式只能全部改,不能对某一个选项单独改
#22993 opened by liulao-space - 1
[Bug Report] 新版本Chrome近期所有element-ui的样式紊乱
#22997 opened by JaneYork - 1
现在已经出现了新的漏洞:CVE-2024-6783 ,请把async-validator升级版本
#22994 opened by wgc-star - 0
[Bug Report] dialog和tooltip层级问题
#22996 opened by horizon188 - 0
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[Bug Report] When the clearable property of DateTimePicker is set to false, it is not possible to hide the clear button in the popup layer
#22989 opened by cocogg28 - 0
[Bug Report] Descriptions 描述列表下 自定义样式 中的 labelClassName自定义标签类名实际无效,并且和示例代码不同,并且示例代码跑起来后也是无效的
#22988 opened by lukaka0919 - 0
[Bug Report] el-tree懒加载功能,不支持一次性加载多级深度的子、孙节点。仅支持加载一级子节点
#22987 opened by QUALIAZX - 0
[Bug Report] 从2.15.0升级到2.15.14后table的el-table__cell样式类丢失
#22986 opened by BG7ZAG - 0
[Feature Request] input输入框
#22982 opened by Player1452145 - 0
#22981 opened by jiangxiaoxilsy