This repository aims at creating a Makefile to code on your own IDE, then concatenate all these files to create a "link-file"
The main goal behind this project is to be able to code as usual, using separate files to organise your code, keep a decent efficiency and ease in your working environment, then upload your code to the codingame website as a "one-file" code.
You will need to download and install codeingame sync chromium extension and codingame sync app first. ext : app :
Then I suggest cloning this repository as a "codingame" directory.
Each new codingame puzzle/challenge can then be creating using the bash script "" or ""
Proper usage : name_of_directory
It will set your basic environment for this challenge:
- creating the Makefile from the Makefile templates located at the root of the repository.
- creating the directory from the argument you gave it.
- creating a sources and a includes subdirectory.
You then only have to code and use make
to compile your code and create a file to be linked with the extension at the root of the directory.
This file is by default named "codingame_sync_file"
Obviously, please make sure to update the makefile sources and include_files variables.
IMPORTANT: Your files must end with a newline for now (especially on .h/.hpp files). A future patch should remove this need.
ps : this does not support libraries yet, if you are used to libraries please modify your Makefile to gather the source files you need.