
A bot that performs regular Instagram activity such as liking posts, following and unfollowing users.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An Instagram bot that helps automate regular Instagram activities such as; liking posts, follow users and unfollow users. These activities get us more followers as well as boost interaction on the content of our account. Link to tutorial

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

  • Clone the project
  • Rename example.db_config.json inside the config directory to db_config.json
  • Rename example.puppeteer.json inside the config directory to puppeteer.json
  • Set up database on fire firebase and copy the credentials into db_config.json
  • Edit the puppeter.json set your username, password and add more hashtags if you like.
  • Then do npm install in terminal to install project dependencies
  • run node index.js to start project


  • An IDE of choice of your choice e.g Visual Studio Code
  • Node.js (minimum Node v7.6.0)
  • Firebase real-time database
  • Basic understanding JavaScript (ES6)

Please ensure you have Node and NPM installed before starting the tutorial. Check the tutorial on setting up database on Firebase