Projekat iz predmeta Sigurnost i Bezbednost Elektroenergetskih Sistema, Fakultet Tehničkih Nauka.
Potrebno je realizovati sistem za sigurno korišćenje timer-a.
-Korisnici se autentifikuju pomoću Windows autentifikacionog protokola.
-Za autorizaciju sistema implementirati RBAC mehanizam. RBAC permisije koje sistem treba da ima su:
- See
- Change
- StartStop
-Mapiranje permisija na grupe treba učiniti konfigurabilnim.
-Servis treba da omogući:
- PokreniTimer (zahteva StartStop permisiju)
- ZaustaviTimer (zahteva StartStop permisiju)
- PonistiTimer (zahteva Change permisiju)
- PostaviTimer (zahteva Change permisiju) - vreme koje korisnik šalje serveru treba poslati šifrovano DES kriptografskim algoritmom u CBC modu
- OcitajTimer (zahteva See permisiju)
-Timer se zaustavlja ili kad ga neko uspešno zaustavi metodom ZaustaviTimer, ili kada istekne postavljeno vreme timer-a koji je neko od korisnika pokrenuo. -Poništavanje timer-a podrazumeva njegovo postavljanje na nulu. -Neophodno je logovati sve akcije koje korisnik vrši u sistemu, osim čitanja vremena štoperice. Logovati pomoću Windows Event Log-a.
Project in the subject of Security and Safety of Electric Power Systems, Faculty of Technical Sciences.
It is necessary to implement a system for safe use of the timer.
-Users are authenticated using the Windows authentication protocol.
-Implement the RBAC mechanism to authorize the system. The RBAC permissions that the system should have are:
- See
- Change
- StartStop
-Mapping permissions to groups should be made configurable.
-The service should enable:
- StartTimer (requires StartStop permission)
- StopTimer (requires StartStop permission)
- ResetTimer (requires Change permission)
- SetTimer (requires Change permission) - the time the user sends to the server should be sent encrypted with DES cryptographic algorithm in CBC mode
- Read Timer (requires See permission)
-The timer stops either when someone successfully stops it with the Stop Timer method, or when the set timer time that one of the users has started expires.
-Resetting the timer means setting it to zero.
-It is necessary to log all actions performed by the user in the system, except for reading the stopwatch time. Log in using Windows Event Log.