Wayne Dyer Quotes API


The Wayne Dyer Quotes API is a RESTful web service that provides a collection of inspirational quotes by Wayne Dyer. This API allows users to retrieve quotes programmatically, making it suitable for integration into various applications, websites, or personal projects.


  • Get all quotes: Retrieve a list of all Wayne Dyer quotes available in the API.
  • Filter by ID: Retrieve a specific quote by its unique identifier.
  • Random quote: Get a random quote from the collection.
  • Search by keyword: Search for quotes containing specific keywords.
  • Pagination: Implement pagination to limit the number of quotes returned per request.

API Documentation

Please refer to the https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/2722958/2s93sjTTct for detailed information on how to use the Wayne Dyer Quotes API. The documentation provides examples and usage instructions for each available endpoint, including request/response formats and parameters.

Technologies Used

  • Java: The core programming language used for building the API.
  • Spring Boot: A powerful framework for building Java applications, providing features such as routing, request handling, and dependency injection.
  • Maven: A build and dependency management tool used for project configuration and packaging.
  • OpenCSV: A library for reading and parsing CSV files, used to retrieve quotes from the provided CSV data source.

Setup and Deployment

To set up the Wayne Dyer Quotes API locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

  2. Install the required dependencies:

  3. Configure the API:

  • Set the CSV file path in the application.properties file.
  • Update any other required configuration settings, such as the server port.
  1. Run the API:

The API will be accessible at https://wayne-dyer-quotes-api-4c40c19e5047.herokuapp.com/api/quotes

For deployment on a hosting platform, such as Heroku, follow the platform-specific instructions to deploy the application.