
Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

OpenNos Timespace Generator

  • Thanks to OpenNos developers, we re-used their packetfactory in order to have a clean packet parsing (github of the emulator's project : https://github.com/OpenNos/OpenNos)
  • Thanks to Kraken, who already made a sort of generator, the algorithms are mostly from him (github: https://github.com/Kraken01)
  • Thanks to Blowa for his improvements on the Core, you can follow his new project, the chickenApi simply by clicking here https://github.com/BlowaXD/ChickenApi
  • This project has been done as a proof or concept, any issue or constructive criticism will be taken into account
  • You can also pull request if you've fixed a bug or implemented something useful, we'll review it and eventually merge it


  • Elendan
  • PonyWarrior
  • Zanou

How to use

  • Clone, compile, run.