
A Flask Website i make along following Miguel Grinberg "The Flask Mega-Tutorial"

Primary LanguagePython

Boardgame Roulette Website

A Flask Website i make along following Miguel Grinberg "The Flask Mega-Tutorial"

The aim is to have a site where users can have a collection of boardgames, from which they can pick randomly when they decide to play. It would filter on their collection on the number of players or the lenght of play.

A second objective would be to form group of friends and pick a game across collections.

Last objective would maybe, to have autocompletion/suggestion feature when you want to add a boardgame. Maybe someone already added this boardgame (like Kingdomino, everybody love Kingdomino) and you don't want to fill out every other information!


To do:

  • Add a boardgame form
  • Add a boardgame model
  • Display the collection in a pretty way
  • A roulette page
  • A roulette function

Find more about this tutorial here.

Find more about Flask here.