
Experiments for efforts to train a new and improved t5

Primary LanguagePython

Improved T5


  • configs/: Configs for pretraining and finetuning
  • experiments/: Scripts to launch pretraining and finetuning
  • convert_weights/: Scripts to convert T5x checkpoints and upload them to HF
  • data/: Seqio scripts for loading datasets
  • model/: Gin config for models
  • tpu-scripts/: Helper scripts for running training jobs on TPUs

Running Experiments on TPUs


Experiments were run on TPUs. The main scripts involve send.sh, run.sh, setup.sh and kill.sh in tpu-scripts/. To setup a TPU with the required libraries and dependencies,

bash send.sh <TPU Node Name> setup.sh

Then run

bash run.sh <TPU Node Name> "bash setup.sh"

To run an pretraining/finetuning job,

bash run.sh <TPU Node Name> "source env-t5x/bin/activate; cd improved-t5/; bash <script>"

If you need to rerun scripts on the node, you could make sure the node is empty by running

bash kill.sh <TPU Node Name>

If you are using a different zone than us-central2-b, you will need to changed the --zone argument in all the scripts.

Convert Checkpoints to HF

In convert_weights/ you can use scripts to convert T5x checkpoints.


Use absolute paths issue

You can also directly convert T5x checkpoints and upload them to your HF hub. For that see convert_weights/upload.sh and convert_weights/upload-multiple.sh.