
See the issue board for the current status of active and prospective projects!

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A GitHub-based platform to encourage collaboration on research problems.

Get Involved

Want to get involved? Here's some ideas for how. If none of these strike your fancy, come chat with us on Discord.

Join a Project

There are many ways to get involved with new and ongoing projects. The easiest is to browse open issues.

Implement a Paper

For many projects, the starting point is the implementation / replication of an existing paper with minor modifications. Check out the list of requested implementations here.

Answer a Request for Plot

A "request for plot," is a way of approaching collaborations on exploratory ideas with minimal friction. The idea is that when one has an idea for a cool experiment, they write up an explanation of what they are thinking and a description of the first plot they'd like to produce investigating the phenomenon. Then someone with more time / the necessary skills / etc. comes and follows the instructions to create the plot, reports back, and you two can discuss the results of the experiment and next steps. Check out the list of requests for plots here.

Find Projects that Match Your Skillset

We have a tagging system to help connect people with projectd recruiting for their skills and expertise.

newbies this is a good project for people with a limited background looking to try something new.

needs PM this project needs someone to assist with coordination and organization of the project.

needs ML devs This project needs people with experience developing and mantaining ML systems.

needs devs This project needs people with experience developing and mantaining code, but doesn't require a particular background in machine learning.

needs data science This project needs people with experience collecting, processing, and analyzing data.

needs math This project needs people with knowledge of ML theory, algorithm design, or advanced topics in mathematics.

Pitch Your Idea

Have a cool idea for a project? Open an issue by choosing one of the following templates:

Have some thoughts, but are looking for feedback to make them more concrete? Sketch out your idea and stimulate discussion.

Got a cool idea for an experiment, but not sure where it will lead? A "request for plot," is a way of approaching collaborations on exploratory ideas with minimal friction. The idea is that when you have an idea for a cool experiment, you write up an explanation of what you are thinking and a description of the first plot you'd like to produce investigating the phenomenon. Then someone with more time / the necessary skills / etc. comes and follows the instructions to create the plot, reports back, and you two can discuss the results of the experiment and next steps.

Have a research idea fully formed but need assistance executing it? Open a project proposal and tell us what kind of help you need.

Usage Tips

Upvote Good Contributions

You can use the 👍 reaction to vote for your favorite ideas! Upvote the first comment of the ideas you like or experiments you wish you had the results for. To see a list of open issues sorted by upvotes, click here.

Tagging Posts

Due to GitHub limitations, people who are not members of the EleutherAI organization on GitHub cannot modify tags on issues. If you would like your tags changed, please mention @stellaathena in the comments.