To have all Kazoo components as independent docker containers. Containers are buildable from scratch (source code repo), and rebuildable to allow quick development of various components:
- edit source code
- commit
- rebuild and re-run container on commit
- All components depends on base-os image (Debian:Jessie with Erlang 17 preinstalled)
- BigCouch is replaced by CouchDB 2.0
- All images are not optimized by size (however it should be possible) >> /etc/hosts gives access to the host inside the kazoo network. You need hosts file to access ui by http://kazoo-ui.kazoo and http://monster-ui.kazoo, and they, in turn, need to access http://kazoo.kazoo:8000, and you probably want to run UI on your host.
cd kazoo
./ [REPO]
Default REPO is if omitted.
It automatically checks and caches builds for the latest commit. When latest commit hash changes only necessary steps are performed to update the image (git pull/make install actually), utilizing the docker caching ability.
docker exec -ti kazoo.kazoo ./ remote_console
# or
cd kazoo ; ./console
cd kazoo
# Running apps
./sup kapps_controller running_apps
# Add Freeswitch node
./sup ecallmgr_maintenance add_fs_node freeswitch@freeswitch.kazoo
# Get freeswitch nodes (should be [<<"freeswitch@freeswitch.kazoo">>])
./sup ecallmgr_config get fs_nodes
# Add admin user
./sup crossbar_maintenance create_account admin_name admin_realm admin admin_pass
# Check RabbitMQ
./sup kazoo_amqp_maintenance connection_summary
# Check system status (this is probably what you should see)
./sup kz_nodes status
Node : kazoo@kazoo.kazoo
Version : 4.0.0 - 18
Memory Usage : 190.55MB
Processes : 1816
Ports : 52
Zone : local
Broker : amqp://rabbitmq.kazoo:5672
WhApps : blackhole(4m19s) callflow(4m19s) cdr(4m19s) conference(4m19s)
crossbar(4m19s) doodle(4m18s) ecallmgr(4m18s) fax(4m18s)
hangups(3m58s) hotornot(3m58s) jonny5(3m58s) kazoo_globals(4m20s)
konami(3m58s) media_mgr(3m58s) milliwatt(3m58s) omnipresence(3m58s)
pivot(3m58s) registrar(3m58s) reorder(3m58s) runtime_tools
stepswitch(3m58s) sysconf(4m19s) teletype(3m58s) trunkstore(3m58s)
Channels : 0
Registrations : 0
Media Servers : freeswitch@freeswitch.kazoo (3m51s)
Node : kamailio@kamailio.kazoo
Version : 5.0.0-dev4
Memory Usage : 14.27MB
Processes : 0
Ports : 0
Zone : local
Broker : amqp://rabbitmq.kazoo:5672
WhApps : kamailio(17m37s)
- Parametrize on network/domain (kazoo now)
- Prepare production images (binary only, without build infrastructure)
- Kazoo and Monster-UI should rebuild themselves on commits
- Third-party images should be version-bounded