
Simple test project with Clean Architecture, MVVM + UiState, Kotlin Coroutines and Flow.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Art Institute of Chicago

Simple test project with Clean Architecture, MVVM + UiState, Kotlin Coroutines and Flow.

Based on the public API provided by the Art Institute of Chicago: API Docs Link

Main highlights:

  • Written natively in Kotlin, using Android SDK;
  • Minimal supported Android SDK version - 23 (Android OS 6.0);
  • Designed based on the Clean Architecture principles - the app is divided into UI (Presentation), Domain and Data layers;
  • Implemented MVVM pattern for UI <—> Business Logic communication using Unidirectional Data Flow (UDF) principle;
  • Single activity, separate screens are represented in the form of Fragments;
  • Jetpack Navigation Component is used for the navigation between fragments;
  • UI is built using XML View-based system;
  • Dagger2 for Dependency Injection;
  • Retrofit2, OkHttp3, kotlinx.serialization for accessing remote REST API;
  • Android Room for storing data locally;
  • Kotlin Coroutines, Kotlin Flow for handling asynchronous and reactive code;
  • Glide for image loading;