
Cache the function result by wrapping it

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cached call

Cache the function result by wrapping it

JavaScript Style Guide npm package


npm i cached-call

Basic Usage

const CachedCall = require('cached-call')
const cache = new CachedCall()

cache({ someHeavyJob (v) { return v }, maxAge: 1000 })(v)


const cache = new CachedCall()
cache({ [name]: func, maxAge, max, stale, key })(...args)
name description default example
name Function name for cache key (required)
func Cache target function (required)
key Key for create cache key (function or value) (...args) => args 1, 'moo'
maxAge Maximum age in ms (required) 300, 100
args Arguments that will be passed to key function (required)
max The maximum size of the cache Infinity 1000, 100
stale return the stale value before deleting it false true
cacheError Cache error and rejection for ms undefined 1000

Auto generated internal cache key by default

JSON.stringify([name, ...args])


Custom key function

Use only 3rd, 4th arguments for key

const key = (nan, fn, n1, n2) => [n1, n2]
const pickArgs = cache({ someFunction, key, maxAge: 100 })
pickArgs(NaN, () => {}, 1, 2) // cache key : ["someFunction", 1 ,2]

Clear cache at 10 or 20 minutes for every hour

const dayjs = require('dayjs')
const everyHour = min => () => dayjs().add(60 - min, 'm').startOf('m').minute(min) - Date.now()
const every10minutes = cache({ someFunction, maxAge: everyHour(10) })
const every20minutes = cache({ someFunction, maxAge: everyHour(20) })

Retry after 1s when error

const retryThrottle = cache({ someFunction, maxAge: 30000, cacheError: 1000 })


The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2020 Elevista